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Jungkook and I stood from where we lay, the creaks of several cell doors opening at the same time as mine. "Jimin," I gasped, covering my mouth and stepping over to where he stood, unfazed and brushing a blood-soaked knife against his pant leg to wipe it clean. Jungkook stood back, looking down at Leon's men, blood from the gashes in their necks pooling onto the floor.

Namjoon rubbed at his eyes as he joined us around the bodies, his eyes widening when he took in the scene. "What happened?" He looked to Jimin.

His question came at the same time as another, from above, Leon's second in charge awakened by the noise and leaning over the railing. "What did you do?" He called out, his boots clunking as he went to wake Leon, the pattering of their approach matching my heartbeat.

"Why are two of my men dead?" Leon's voice echoed, others tossing as they woke from their sleep. He kneeled beside them, sighing as he identified the two who'd been killed.

Jimin stepped forward, ready to take on the responsibility. "They were coming to attack Alena." He clarified.

"And did they?" Leon's demeanor was calm but the tension between us made it feel like he could snap at any moment.

"No but they were talking about it." Jimin's voice was unwavering.

Leon stood, holding up his hands in frustration as he concluded. "So they didn't do anything and you killed them."

"If you think any of us would just wait until something happened you're mistaken." Jungkook stood from his position, stepping closer to Leon. I stopped his challenge, putting a hand on his chest to keep him from moving forward.

Namjoon spoke up, worry behind his eyes. "Leon, we'll fix this. We'll make it right." He put a hand on Leon's shoulder, nodding to assure him.

Leon shrugged his hand away, rubbing at his temple as he thought. "You will." He pushed a finger into Namjoon's chest with the threat. "We'll address this in the morning."

His right hand man attempted to protest as they left the unit, Leon holding up a hand to silence him. We stood there for a few more minutes, blinking over the bodies in shock until four of Leon's men came to retrieve them, dragging them from the unit and outside to bury.

"We have to leave." Namjoon spoke Korean so that only we understood. I'd picked up enough that I spoke a little and recognized more, the three of us nodding as he headed back to his cell.

Jungkook moved quickly and without a sound, tugging my backpack from under my bed and stuffing it with every item from my cell. He didn't say a word, taking my hand and leading us to where he kept his belongings, shoving them into a bag that he strapped across his back. As he pulled us back and forth I caught glimpses of the others, packing their bags just as silently, though I hadn't yet spotted Hobi or Yoongi.

Jungkook sensed my concern, whispering to clarify what I couldn't read, the seven of them knowing each other so well that they already understood their tasks. "They're getting the weapons and car ready."

We made our way through the halls, passing by a few of Leon's men who seemed, or at least pretended to be uninformed about the occurrence of the night. I kept as close to the shadows as possible, grabbing hold of Taehyung's hand when he met us at the intersection of two hallways, the three of us heading for the exit furthest from the prison's entrance.

The back of the prison faced north, the left side of the fence leading to the parking lot where there were a few cars Leon and his men used for runs. Just at the edge sat the, based on appearance, out of use old Honda and motorcycle we planned to use for our escape.

We crept out of the back door quietly, the sun casting a soft glow over the grounds that made me squint. Jungkook was the first to freeze, pulling me behind him at the sound of applause that took our attention.

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