"Ma'am. Let the Rangers handle this, have your men take me and Isaiah to the Upper Sanctuary and we'll take care of your little rat problem." David stood up.

Tutoria restlessly leaped her feet and then followed by rousing a coughing Isaiah from his lazy posture to attention.

"Yes, please do." She nods. "I wish see to it that we purge the last of this filth together."

The disquieted Sarenite lead them all upstairs slowly as not to tip off their cornered pray. The Temple's upper floors indeed towered to a dizzying height as it overlooks the grand hall of Sarenrae's Statue. The higher they climbed; a faint intoning reverberated upon the hallowed halls. David gestured his index finger to his lips they carefully climbed the last flight of stairs to the source of the noise.

"Chal---Respond---No---Pan...Resp---" wrangles of tongues whispered portentously above the kasbah's mezzanine.

Their steps as silent as solemn prayers as at the end of the staircase they reached a door. Stacking in front of it, David and Isaiah placed themselves at the vanguard by the precipice.

"Pan. Pan. Pan. November to any combat effective allied elements within this channel."

"Hold on... that's not Chanting." David's muscles stiffened, as if he had seen or more of heard of a ghost.

Counting to the number three, he and Isaiah kicked the door open as the adventurers stormed into the Upper Sanctuary.

Fortunately, or rather than disappointingly, instead of being greeted by straggling Demons and their remnant thralls. All that greeted them was scrappy wood table overlooking an open balcony behind it. Atop of the table, rather than an altar adorned in an altar a macabre ritualistic circle with some equally hapless means of sacrifice. There lay atop a green if particular metal box. Adorned with glass, red tinted lights and scientific dials that seems to flick if just fleeting to life and inertia. It sported a black rubber tail

"Contacting any combat effective allied elements: En-See-Ar... Rangers... Brotherhood or Marshalls. Please designate your unit name, status, and rendezvous to my signal's source. We will be moving away from our position in Three Days." A female voice echoed through the box repeatedly.

"There's a person trapped inside that... that chest there!" Kamala gasped.

"I shall free her!" Merizi pulled out her Piercing Wind Jezail, her hand grasping the leather handles of the underbarrel sword of her exotic combination weapon.

"Wait don't!" David yawped. Holding to stay the Azarketi castaway's hand. "There's nobody else but us in here."

"But, why is that box talking? Is it not beseeching for our aid?" High Priestess Kamala questioned.

"Yes, it is calling for help. But not from inside the box... but through the box." David explained. "This is box right here is what we call a Radio."

"Ray-Dee-Yo?" Tutoria slowly articulated the new word through her tongue as best as she first could.

"It's a Communication Device. It allows people to hear and talk to other people through long distances." David explained further.

"Like a 'Message' Cantrip?" Kamala breathed into her hand and flung her breath forward as a feint magical light guided her words towards David's ear. "Such as this?"

"I know of that Cantrip too Priestess. Deck-Masters would often blurt out short phrases or one-worded orders to the crew on the ship I used to sail with." Merizi commented.

"Yes, but at longer distances. MUCH longer distances." The Veteran Ranger stretched his arms wide. "The great thing about Radios is that you can talk to whole many people from long distances at the same time if you tune it correct. Like... imagine focusing your ears to uh listen to that one person speaking at a time." He explained.

[Complete] the Mana-Wilds (A Golarionite Odyssey) #2: Dreams of WaterWhere stories live. Discover now