The Yellow Taxi

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KANE ALWAYS KNEW that his family was cursed

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KANE ALWAYS KNEW that his family was cursed.

They told him all about the harrowing tales plaguing their bloodline. The endless bouts of tragedy and death that followed them no matter what corner of the world they ran to. It was unavoidable. No matter how much his dad declared the curse to be "hogwash," Kane knew the truth.

His family was cursed.

What he didn't understand was why?

Kane spent years asking his family why they were cursed. Those that didn't know shrugged, choosing not to acknowledge their bad luck. Those that did know refused to be straightforward.

Instead they spoke in silver-tongued words meant to confuse him. It was a trait that drove Kane mad whenever he spent too much time around them. It was for this very reason why he had to run away before he lost what was left of his fragile mind in their presence.

Kane sighed. His brown boots scuffed against the wet pavement with a vengeance. The harsh downpour of rain tapered off into a soft mist. His natural red hair clung to the sides of his fair face, having wormed their way out of his deflated bun.

For the seventh time since he'd walked out of the hospital and plunged into the bleak night, his phone rang. Freddy Mercury's vocals echoed throughout the empty street. The city that never slept was eerily quiet. It sent a shiver up his spine.

A shrill scream suddenly slaughtered the stillness of the night. Kane fell to his knees. He quickly covered his ears to prevent bleeding and hunched over, clenching his teeth. All he could do was endure it until the screeching stopped.

The first time the world heard the scream was one month ago. That was the day that North and South Korea ceased to exist. Devoured by the flora and fauna that sprang to life, both countries were demolished. No traces of either country remained.

Shock turned into sheer terror when China was swallowed up the next day. One by one countries in the East were picked off, forcing the scrambling inhabitants to flee to the West.

Their efforts were futile.

The scream and the destruction that followed spared no country. Once the East was gone the devastation spread to the Middle East. Chaos descended upon the world. Not even those that swore to police it stood a chance against the tides of terror-stricken people. The stampede of the fearful caused just as much ruin as that wretched harbinger of death.

Rainwater seeped into his battered blue jeans. Kane shivered. The scream was gone. He bit the inside of his cheek, pushing down the feeling of helplessness that curled within him. His phone buzzed in his pocket. He knew what it was. An automatic alert letting everyone know which poor country was just wiped off the face of the earth.

Kane glared at the moon, not having the will to check anymore. He dropped onto an old bench, defeated. The knackered black leather jacket he coveted creased as he crossed his arms for warmth. Soft blue eyes traced over the abandoned park before him. The happy memories he made there were like a knife to the heart now.

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