Chapter 12

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Amara pov...

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Dominico owns multiple restaurants and buildings!? He was so down to earth and not a boastful person, how could he own multimillion businesses?

Before I could question him more a waiter walked passed me and I got a nose full of coffee and fish. My insides turned and I could feel the hot bile coming up my throat. Standing up I put my hand over my mouth and Dominico guides me to the ladies room and I quickly kneel down and empty my stomach of the delicious dinner we just had.

After I throwed up. I rinsed my mouth and sprayed some sanitizer on my hands and we headed out.

The ride home was quiet and this time it wasn't a peaceful quiet but a tense quiet. There was alot Dominico and I had to talk about. Mainly at the fact that I might be carrying his child. Frick!!

I was scared. Really scared. Yet part of me was very excited. Excited that I'm having a child and it's with someone I trust and love, even though I haven't said it to him yet, I do. I just hope if I am carrying our baby he accepts it and doesn't leave me.

As he drives into the garage I look towards him and he clenches his jaw not looking at me. Leaning towards him I touch his hand but he moves away. A huge lump rises in my throat and tears threaten to come out. He doesn't want anything to do with me.

I run out the car and into the house. Opening my bedroom door I close and lock it then go to the bathroom. Changing out of dress and into some pink silk pj's I brush my teeth and wash my face. Going back into the room I see Dominico on my bed.

"W- how did you get in?" I ask backing away. I thought I locked the door. He doesn't answer but stands up and walks towards me. Taking my hands into his he looks into my eyes "I think we both suspect your pregnant." He says eyeing me.

"Yeah?" I say quietly. "listen, I'm not leaving you Amara. If you are pregnant I'll be here every step of the way. I'm just a little nervous but excited non the less." My heart melted at his words and I urged myself to kiss him. Standing on my tippe toes I kiss him on the cheek and let out a small giggle.


"You sure you don't want me to come in with you?" Dominico asks holding the pregnancy tests in his hands. "Yeah. I'll take the test and come out then we'll look at it together." I say taking the tests and stepping into the bathroom. "Wait.." I'm stopped by a shaky voice and I'm given a small kiss on the forehead.


"Okay, you ready?" I say looking into Dominico's eyes. His eyes were filled with love and joy. He was happy. I soon realised I was also happy. Flipping the test the right side up I put my hand on my mouth and tears run down my cheeks.


"What does it say?" Dominico asks shaking my shoulders, but I can't move. My body froze and too many emotions were running through my head. One very recognisable emotion though was happiness, pure and utter joy. "Amara what does it say for goodness sakes!"

Dominico flips the test towards him and falls to the floor right next to me. He looks at it again as if it was going to change. " Fuck" he says.

Then looks towards me and smiles "we're having a baby!" He says and jumps up  taking me in his hands and swinging us both around. The room was filled with laughter and joy.

"Your carrying our baby! I'm going to be a father!" I giggle and sit on the bed watching him jump around with Dino in his hands. He's going to be a great father.

He finally calms down and lumps into the bed and gives me kisses. He then goes down to my stomach and pulls up my dress revealing my lace undies. Then gives me the look. "No, we first have to go to the doctor so they can confirm that we can do it." I say holding his face up. "fine" he says dragging it. "I shot and I scored baby!" He says proudly.

"You planned all this?!" I exclaim. "Hold on sweetheart, you aren't supposed to stress in your condition. Calm down now."

He then puts his ear into my lower abdomen and keeps quiet. "I think I feel him kicking." I can't help but burst out laughing.

"I'm not even in my second trimester how can he be moving and who says I'm having a boy?"

He looks me dead in eyes and kisses my stomach. " I..just..know..your..having..a ..little.. boy." He says in-between kisses. "Son if you can hear me. Just know I already have love you to the moon and back and further beyond." I just eye him and giggle.

He the sits upright and I pull my dress down.

"There's something I need to tell you." He says fiddling with the hem of my dress.

Now I'm worried...

"Pease don't freak out or faint or anything but, besides the many businesses I own. Uhm." He trails off..

I take his hands I mine and tell him to take a breath.

"I'm apart of the Mafia." He says in one breath..

Staring at him I open my mouth to speak but he stops me. "I'm actually the leader of the Mafia. Took over from my dad's gang..which is the Ortendon Gang." He says looking into my eyes.

"Please say something Amara."

There's only one thing to say...

"I already know." I reply with the same serious tone in my voice.


Hey guys

Alot is happening and I'm sorry for the short chapter. It's just how I could fit in the reveal of the Mafia so I hope you enjoyed.

Words: 1027

Don't forget to comment and vote


His babysitter. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin