Chapter 2

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Amara pov...

"I am already late Livia I'll call you as soon as I arrive." I say packing the rest of my toiletries and zip up my bag. " Okay okay but please do call me, and you said your babysitting a guy huh. How old is the dude?" Ah my dear bestfriend Livia I love her with my whole heart but she's too boy crazy for my liking.

In my 22 years of living I have never found any male attractive. Yes I'm still a virgin and yes I've never been in a girlfriend-boyfriend relationship. It's just a matter of no boy intrigues me that much. I once thought I was into woman but woman also didn't attract me much, not at all actually. I've found some guys cute but never hot.

My bestfriend on the other hand loves boys, just last night she was with another guy she met at the club. She's a wild one I'm more calm and collected than she is.

"He's 23 and I'm not babysitting him, I'm house-sitting the house while his parents are away. His mom told me not to tell him, why... I don't know." I explain the situation to her and roll my suitcases out my room and out the door into the garage. Putting my bags in the car I hug Livia and kiss her cheek. "Bye, be safe and don't let anyone in my room without my permission. Also please don't burn the house down Livia we don't have the money to repair it all again." She chuckles and kisses my right and then left cheek.

"Bye Amara, I'll ask for permission but no promises on burning the house down, again." I look at her sternly and giggle. I hop into my car and head off to the location Mrs Esposito sent me. Turning on my Bluetooth I connect my phone and listen to some of my relaxing music. It's already 10:05 and I should've been there at 10;00, I'm stressing out but I hope the guy will understand.

What I don't understand is why would a 23 year old need to be told that I a 22 year old am his babysitter. I'm not even stressed that it's a guy beacause like I said no one interests me like that. I pull up to a huge mansion with a large black gate with gold touches. Damn this house is fancy. There's a guard on either side of the gate and the one on my right comes by my window "may I help you miss?" His voice was so cold and deep it made my skin shiver. " Umm, y- yes I've come to house sit for Mrs Esposito." He squints his eyes and retreats back to his position and opens the gate with a key. The large doors open revealing a long driveway surrounded with luscious green grass and fully grown trees.

I drove along the driveway and open the garage using the key the guard gave me." What the actual frick"  I gasp holding my mouth with shock. There were too many cars to count. I didn't know the Esposito's were rich. Mrs Esposito didn't even sound rich, she was too sweet and humble. I realise that not all rich people are jerks but damn behind that honey like voice was a well off, rich woman.

I step out my car and walk to the front door and ring the bell. I'll go fetch my bags once I've introduced myself. I hear footsteps coming towards the door and my stomach fills with butterflies for no reason at all. Maybe I'm just nervous to meet the guy, it's nothing.

The door finally opens revealing a tall, handsome, wet man with a white towel hanging dangerously below or in the middle of his v-line. He has jet black curly hair some of it stuck apon his forehead because of the water. Maybe he's just come out the shower?

I start feeling things in my chest and stomach, my knees buckle and I almost lose my balance. He's gorgeous, he's sexy and he's fricken ripped. Is this how it feels to be attracted to someone? I don't like it. I hate this feeling, it's like a useless feeling a feeling that makes you think things you've never thought about before. Now I'm not someone who's ever been interested in guys and I definitely won't start now.

"Oh fuck" he growls in a deep, husky voice. " Uh hi, I'm Amara and I'll be house-sitting for a few months." He looks at my facial features and stops at my lips, I lick them out of habit and I notice his eyes get darker. " Hi I'm Dominico, come in."

I walk into the huge house and I'm awe struck by it's interior design, it's prettier than the outside. "You say your house-sitting." Dominico interrupts my train of thought. I look back at him and answer "yeah I am, why?" Doesn't he already know this?

Ohhh schnitzel his mother told me not to say that. Ugh why am I like this? I internally bang my head on the wall.

"No no I'm actually babysitting you, forget about what I said earlier it was all a big lie okay?" I giggle nervously he didn't look like he was convinced by my lie. " Okay sweatheart, one your a bad liar and two tell me exactly why your here and what mother told you to do, no lies." The way his posture changed aswell as his facial expressions I knew I had no chance to lie again.

Did he just call me sweatheart? Dang this man has away with his words.

"Okay, your mother is paying me to house sit but told me to tell you that I'm your babysitter for the few months I'm staying here." He chuckles and the butterflies come back. How can someone's laugh be so sexy yet delicate. Ugh get a hold of yourself Amara he's just another guy nothing special.

"Why are you laughing?" I ask putting a hand on my hip. " He stops laughing and walks towards me "because I never thought my mother would do this again, it's all a joke in her eyes." His minty breath fanned my face and his marvelously sculpted jaw shone in the light coming from the huge windows. He was beautiful.

"Oh and call me sweatheart again, I'll break you in quarters and feed you to my chickens." I say trying to sound as brave as possible. "you have chickens?" He says confused and full with humor. "No, but I'll buy some and feed you to them." I get out almost bursting into laughter.

"Your a funny girl, sweatheart." He says and winks at the end.

"Uh okay buddy, I need to go get my bags while you go get dressed.." I say pointing to the towel. " Oh yeah I'll be right back."

I sit on the couch after finding a room to stay in and putting my suitcases in the closet. Laying my head down on the couch I come face to face with his lips. I freeze, he smells so good and looks even better. His lips look so soft, soft enough to kiss- wait why am I even thinking about this?

He doesn't move and I also don't. Instead he moves closer to where our lips are almost touching. His lips turn into a slight smirk and mine a small smile. He sighs deeply his eyes turning a darker shade of grey.

He then does what I hoped he didn't...

he grabs my cheeks and....


Hey guys

What could Dominico have done?? All I can say is your not expecting what is about to happen.

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His babysitter. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora