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Emilie was on her way to the bakery to not only get pastries but to see her son. She wanted to be away from her husband since he was too busy as always. Especially since the fashion show was a distraction so that he can find the magical brooch.

"I hope he's there today," Emilie thought.

Once she arrived, she saw Marinette's parents opening the bakery, "Ah, our first customer" Tom said.

"Good morning. I hope I'm not interrupting anything" Emilie said.

"No, we were just opening," Sabine said.

"Mom?" Adrien saw his mother.

"Adrien?" Emilie walks up to him.

"What are you doing here?" Adrien asked.

"I've come to get some pastries and to see my boy," Emilie said.

"You're Adrien's mother?" Sabine was shocked.

"Yes, I'm Emilie Agreste" Emilie replied.

"Oh, reunion," Sabine said.

Felix walked in but was still wounded from last night and saw his aunt hugging his cousin.

"Aunt Emilie?" He spoke out.

"Felix?" Emilie gasped.

"What happened to you?!" Adrien noticed Felix's patched-up wounds.

"A werewolf fight last night" Felix let out a dog whine.

"Oh god!" Emilie and Adrien helped him up.

"You need some rest," Adrien said.

"Hold on. Aunt Emilie, what are you doing here?" Felix asked.

"I've come to see my son and the bakery. Yes, he told me after me and my husband arrived" Emilie said.

"I saw the fashion show but I'm very pissed that my uncle stole the magic wish years ago and it turned me into a werewolf" Felix growled.

"The same wish that made me a werecat," Adrien said.

"We were the sacrifice," Felix said.

"I really wish I could have stopped him from doing that," Emilie said sadly.

"But it did lead me and Felix to a different fate than isolation," Adrien said.

"We learned how to survive during these years," Felix said as they carried him upstairs.

"Relax Felix" Emilie brought Felix to the bed.

"Gabriel will pay for this. He's very inhuman and cares nothing" Felix growled.

"I agree with you but the town doesn't know we are the werecreatures. What we need is something to make him expose the truth without lying" Adrien said.

"That's not going to be easy," Emilie said.

Just then Marinette came upstairs, "Huh, Mrs. Agreste? I wasn't expecting you here" Marinette said.

"Ah, hello there," Emilie noticed her.

"I suppose Adrien told you everything that's been happening," Marinette said.

"Yes. He has. I'm so glad he and my nephew are alright" Emilie said.

"But Gabriel still got away with it for too long" Felix sits up, "The werewolf within me took away my father but my mother was scared of what I did"

(Flashback, 10 years ago)

That night when Felix realized that his uncle made that wish, Felix became the sacrifice and he screamed in agony, staring at the full moon. Fur started to rapidly grow on his body, his fingernails grew into claws and his teeth went sharp with a long wolf snout.

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