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At the bakery house, Adrien was munching on his fish with the family. The bakers thought their daughter was in danger but her Werecat was there with her. They didn't know he can transform partially instead of fully.

"You sure came to our town's rescue, Adrien" Sabine said.

"Going only part cat that is," Tom said.

"I didn't know I could go partial form. That was very new to me" Adrien said.

"Still impressive," Tom said.

"Merci" Adrien said.

"So it's true that you're allergic to all types of birds?" Marinette asked.

"No, just pigeons," Adrien said, plucking the fish bones out.

"Just wondering since you sneezed like crazy," Marinette said.

"Heh, I wish I did eat birds but I'm more into fish and mice" Adrien finished his fish.

"Alright, Kitty" Marinette teased.

"Does this mean I get to be your kitty?" Adrien does his cute puppy eyes.

"Of course, Adrien" Marinette scratched his chin.

"Puuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrr" He purred with his eyes closed.

After that, they went up to Marinette's room. Adrien walked on all fours, purring and rubbing his sides on Marinette, wanting the attention.

"Easy Kitty" Marinette giggled.

"It's not my fault that I like to be petted by you" Adrien nuzzled her neck.

"Emotional need is what you're craving for, kitty" Marinette corrected him.

"Yeah, my dear friend" Adrien lays his head on her lap.

"Oh, kitty. You're too much" Marinette pets him.

Adrien closed his eyes and enjoyed his friend's company. Purring so loud it was making him forget that night when his father made a wish to get rich while the dark wish was a sacrifice for his son to turn into a Werecat.

"My sweet Kitty" Marinette said in a smooth voice.

"Puuuuuuuuurrrrrrrr" He purred in his sleep from being petted. His tail swished on the floor.

" your tail wagging?" Marinette teased.

"Ummmmm yeah" Adrien blushed.

"You look very happy," Marinette said.

"Meow" Adrien meowed and cuddles with her.

"Oh, Adrien. You've truly become one of my best friends" Marinette said.

"Puuuuuuuuurrrrrrr" He purred in his sleep with a smile.


Elsewhere, a teenage boy came to a wrecked house for shelter wearing a cloak and hood to conceal his face. He looked over Paris from a hill, knowing soon it will be dusk.

"Full moon, please give me strength," He said to himself and waited for the moon to appear in the sky.

"That Agreste man is so gonna regret making that wish. He's on his way to Paris and I'll make sure to refresh his memories" He growled angrily like a wolf.

As soon as the moon showed up, his pupils and irises disappeared in a green glow as he becomes the werewolf, "ARRROOOOOOOOOO!!!" He howled at the moon.

At the bakery, Adrien heard a faint howl. He woke up realizing that it's a full moon and it was time to go find that werewolf again. He felt himself transform as he climbs out the window. He heard the citizens scream at the sight of him but he simply ran on all fours to head into the woods to find the werewolf. He ran to where the howling was coming from.

Polka Riding Hood and the Big Wild WerecatWhere stories live. Discover now