Unknown Creature

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I don't own the image or the characters.


It was a beautiful day in a town known as Paris. A village town filled with amazing bakeries, schools, food markets, and fashion clothes. Among the people, was a blue-haired girl walking by herself wearing a red cloak with black dots like a ladybug. She was on her way to get fish food from the market but rumors have been going around that some animal has eaten fish last night. They couldn't tell if it was a bear.

"The creature must have been big enough to be a bear, sure bears love fish," The girl said.

"Ah, bonjour mademoiselle. What can I get you?" The man selling fish asked.

"Hmmm, I'll have the salmon" The girl picked it out.

"Your mother's favorite, Marinette. Your parents may be the best bakers but they do love seafood" The seller picked out four salmon fish for the girl.

"Yeah, I love seabass too" Marinette replied.

"Let's hope you have enough fish. Rumors have been going around for weeks about an unknown animal eating all the fish every time the deliveries got postponed" The seller said.

"Are you sure it's some bear or plenty of cats?" Marinette guessed.

"I don't know but it's best to stay inside every night," The seller said.

"Okay then. Have a nice day" Marinette paid him.

"Merci," The fish seller said.

Marinette headed back to the bakery to give her parents today's fish. She saw the least favorite customer that obnoxiously criticizes everything and she hated her a lot. Especially the time when she put the pie on her seat. It was none other than Paris Mayor's daughter Chloe.

"Oh, this is the best cake you can make?! It's not perfect!" She complained.

"What do you expect us to do?" Marinette's mother complained.

"Make it bee colored in black and yellow," Chloe said.

"We did. We just don't have black frosting but just chocolate frosting" The father of the bakery said.

"Hello there Chloe," Marinette said before Chloe could continue.

"Mari-trash! How dare you tell your parents not to design a cake that was supposed to be perfect!" Chloe ranted.

"Hey, it's not our fault that this is being rushed!" Marinette protested.

"Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!" Chloe yelled.

"Get out, Chloe! You're making a scene" Marinette said.

"You heard my daughter, GET OUT!" Marinette's father yelled at Chloe.

Chloe leaves the bakery in a huff. Such rude behavior that girl has ever since her mom left.

"Man, that girl has no manners," Marinette's mom said.

"She's the mayor's daughter. He needs to restrain her" Marinette's father said.

"Anyway, I got the fish for dinner" Marinette changed the subject.

"Merci. Our shift will be over in an hour" Marinette's mom said.

"Okay then" Marinette headed upstairs.

"Meow" A ginger cat with blue eyes rubbed Marinette's leg.

"Hey Tikki" Marinette petted her to hear her cute purring, "I bought some food" Marinette handed some fish.

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