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Marinette walked with her Werecat in the woods to help clear their minds from the man entering Adrien's life. The Werecat walks on all fours, smelling those delicious pies in the basket.

"Those apple pies smell good," Marinette said.

"Meow" Adrien meowed.

"We just need a perfect spot" Marinette looks around.

"Meow!" Adrien spots a tree near the waterfall.

"This will do" Marinette agreed.

So they got over there to have their pies together, "Meow?" Adrien does his cute puppy eyes.

"Good kitty" Marinette pets his head.

"Puuuuuuuuurrrrrrrr" He purred and licked her cheek.

"Adrien!" Marinette giggled.

Adrien laid down next to her as Marinette sliced up a piece of pie, "Here you go my kitty" She hands him a piece.

Adrien started to eat his piece of the pie. Slowly without making a mess near his friend. Marinette casually ate hers while looking at the waterfall.

"If anything happens, I can always pet you to calm you down," She said.

"Meow" Adrien nuzzled on her.

"Awww.......is that my good kitty?" Marinette scratched his chin.

"Meow" Adrien purred and had his eyes closed since he likes to get his chin scratched.

"Good kitty cat," Marinette said.

He slowly shifts to his human form, and despite wearing only pants he didn't care, "It's been so long talking to a person"

"Me being your first in years," Marinette said.

"Yeah, you my Bugaboo" Adrien held her hand.

"Heh, you're too much, kitty" Marinette giggled.

"Am I?" Adrien asked.

"That's what I love about you, kitty. The Werecat within you changed you" Marinette said.

"And I love that you got a gentle soul," Adrien said.

He then hears poachers coming this way, "We better hide!" Adrien grabs her hand and they hide behind the waterfall.

"Why can't these hunters leave the animals alone?" Marinette said.

"They are doing this for greed" Adrien whispered.

But suddenly, he heard another growl that sounded like a werewolf and he knew who it is that hates bad people.

"It's Felix" Marinette said.

They peered to see him appear as an overgrown wolf on all fours with pants on. He looked very pissed at the poachers that also tried to hunt him too last time.

"HRRRRGH!!!" He stood up ready to confront them.

"I heard something over there" The poachers heard something.

But then Felix lunged at them growling. Scaring the hell out of these men as they tried to shoot him but his body was too tough for the bullets to penetrate through his vitals. Then Felix punched them down and slashed one in the chest. Adrien cringed at the sight of his cousin looking very aggressive. He was not very happy and he slowly walked forward, baring his vicious teeth.

"RUN FOR IT!" The poachers ran away.

Felix roared in victory but also howled too that he won, "AAAAAARRRRRRROOOOOOO!!!!!"

"Felix, that was intense!" Adrien and Marinette came out.

The werewolf simply shrugs like he didn't even care if he scared the hell out of them.

"You need some petting" Marinette pets the canine.

Felix wagged his tail in delight. He never likes to be petted because he didn't trust anyone but this was different from his cousin's friend.

"Feeling better?" Marinette asked.

"Better," Felix said once he regained human form.

"What were you doing in the woods?" Adrien asked.

"I can't even get her out of my mind. This Japanese girl is just so...." Felix had no idea what he was feeling.

"Pretty?" Marinette guessed.

"Yes, pretty," Felix said.

"Something tells me you're falling for her," Adrien said.

"I am? But I'm not supposed to! I'm a werewolf!" Felix blushed.

"Some people like wolves," Adrien said.

"What's the difference?" Felix gruffed.

"Well wolf puppies are really cute, like dog puppies," Adrien said.

"The only thing I can do is this like a cute puppy" Felix does his cute puppy eyes.

"Awwww" Marinette saw his eyes going big.

"Oh, come on. I can do that too" Adrien does his cute puppy eyes too.

This made Marinette pet Adrien on his head after seeing his cute eyes.

"You two got one thing in common, cute innocent eyes," Marinette said.

"Don't get used to it, young lady in the hood" Felix rolled his eyes.

"Okay" Marinette shrugs it off.


Night came around and Adrien in his Werecat form was strolling in the woods with his werewolf cousin. They both were searching for prey. Adrien was interested in fish in the river while Felix was interested in deer meat. So he spotted one male deer nearby and snuck up.

Adrien got near the river, waiting for potential prey. He's lucky to not be scared of water. Soon he saw some small fishes pass by. He caught one with his paw hand and munched on his snack. Felix already got his prey and munched on the meat inside the carcass. While eating, he looks up seeing his cousin walking over with fishbones in his mouth. He growled in annoyance that this feline is always too amusing. After having their meals, they shift back to human form to talk.

"I can't believe my father is here but my mother looks very sad like I've been gone for a long time," Adrien said.

"She really misses you, does she?" Felix guessed.

"Yes, and she looked mad at my dad," Adrien said.

"She's holding a grudge," Felix said.

"No kidding," Adrien said.

"Tomorrow is the fashion show and I hope that lovely Japanese girl wins against your dad," Felix said.

"We'll see about that," Adrien said.

"So what made you love that hooded girl?" Felix asked.

"She's so fearless and kind towards me and gave me a home," Adrien said.

"That explains her compassion," Felix said.

"Yeah, she is," Adrien said.

Polka Riding Hood and the Big Wild WerecatWhere stories live. Discover now