Chapter 40 Destiny of the Purehearted

Start from the beginning

     Early the next morning, Lancelot wanted to take us all out for breakfast in the local village. Guinevere was coming, and he knew the fresh air would be good for her after her being cooped up in her bedroom for so long. Lancelot ordered a carriage, and we all rode in it to the village. Once we arrived, it was very quiet since people were just beginning to open their shops. Lancelot led us to a quaint shop with a sign that read, Tiana's Palace. Kaylee and I cast one another surprised glances; for we were thinking the same thing, that this name was the name of the restaurant the Disney character, Tiana, owned in the move, The Princess and the Frog. We wondered if we were going to see the actual Tiana, and I convinced myself that it wasn't just coincidental.

     "This is Guinevere's favorite breakfast place," said Lancelot, casting a loving gaze onto his wife who returned it with a smile.

     "Then what are we waiting for?" said David. "I'm as hungry as a horse."

     Once we walked into the little restaurant, the place charmed us. It looked so cozy with a large fireplace in the center of the room, and there were round tables everywhere with pretty, white tablecloths on each. A flower centerpiece and a candle were on top of each. It was the cutest restaurant I've ever seen, and it made me feel at home. The whole environment was just so welcoming, and it made me think of Granny's diner back in Storybrooke. It was nice and warm inside, and we smelled something so delicious which made our mouths water.

     "Whatever I'm smelling," said Hook, taking a deep whiff, "I really need to try. It's certainly irresistible."

     "Oh yes, those are beignets, my favorite pastry," said Guinevere. "I order them every time I come here for breakfast. They are to die for," she added with a merry laugh.

     "I can't wait to try them," said David.

     A moment later, a beautiful, dark-skinned woman in her twenties greeted us warmly. "Welcome to my palace," she said, smiling. "I'm glad you stopped by. Take a seat anywhere you like."

     "So, this must be your restaurant, and you must be Tiana," Regina said, turning to the woman.

     "Yes, I am," the woman merrily replied. Then she turned to Guinevere and said, "It's so good to see you, Guinevere. Welcome back. How are you?"

     "I'm well, thank you, Tiana," Guinevere replied with a grin.

     "I knew it; she must be the actual Tiana from the Disney movie!" I excitedly whispered to Kaylee, and she returned a big grin. "And since Dr. Facilier exists, it makes sense that Tiana would as well."

     "Your place is adorable," Regina remarked, admiring the restaurant.

     "Why, thank you," Tiana replied, looking pleased. "It's been in my family for a long time. I can't imagine my life apart from it."

     We all sat at two separate tables conjoined by the fireplace. And once we all ordered drinks, we ordered beignets. "We were told how amazing your famous beignets are," said Hook, turning to Tiana.

     Tiana gave a blush and a smile then replied, "Yes, they certainly are my best sellers. The recipe has been in my family even longer than this restaurant."

     "What's the secret recipe?" Hook asked. "Just kidding, don't tell me," he quickly added with a chuckle, and Tiana looked amused.

     "The beignets will be right up," she said, then she gracefully turned and walked away.

     A moment later, from outside, we all heard a man singing while playing music from a ukulele. "What's all the bloody racket?" questioned Hook.

     Kaylee and I went over to the window that was nearest to the door where we heard the music. We saw a tall, handsome, young, mulatto man who wore a sandy-colored vest and pants, a white shirt, and an orange-colored ascot. The first thought that came to our minds was that he was Prince Naveen who was also from the movie, The Princess and the Frog. He very much resembled him; he wore the same clothes and played the same instrument. We cast each other amused glances then returned to our seats at the table. I explained who we saw, and Hook replied irritably, "Can't he play somewhere else? I just need quiet time for once."

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