Chapter 27 A Town with Magic

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Narrated by Aubrey

     "A CURSE IS COMING!" Grumpy frantically cried out as he was running through the streets. Chaos stirred in the people since a reddish, heavy fog was spreading across town, beginning to engulf it. But Kaylee and I knew it was not a curse; rather, it was magic coming to town. I wondered how Mr. Gold brought it here. As soon as the entire town was completely engulfed, the magic fog slowly began to disappear, and as soon as it was gone, all the people murmured among themselves, confused and surprised that nothing happened. "Well, it looks like the Evil Queen's second curse failed!" Grumpy gloated.

     Just then, Regina appeared in front of the crowd of people in the streets. "Oh, that was no curse, and that wasn't me," she said, showing pleasure in her face. "That was magic, and now it looks like the Evil Queen is back!" Suddenly, she formed a fireball in her hand then tossed it at the people, stirring them up into a wild frenzy, and many fled with terror.

     "We should have killed her when we had the chance when she was powerless!" exclaimed Grumpy with rage.

     Regina laughed tauntingly and replied, "I guess you should have!"

     Just then, when Grumpy and the rest of the dwarfs were about to attack the queen with their axes, Regina threw them all back with her magic. "How pathetic," she jeered. "Do you all honestly think you have a chance against me?"

     "Stop, Regina!" Snow exclaimed pleadingly. "You don't have to be like this. We gave you mercy so you could have second chance to change, so why can't you just try?"

     "Because I don't need to change!" Regina shot back, drawing her lip up into a snarl. "And seeing you all miserable is what will finally make me satisfied."

     "No, it won't, Regina," Snow replied. "It will only deepen the hole in your heart. Why can't you just learn to love?"

     "Because love is weakness," Regina retorted angerly.

     "You are wrong," Snow replied sorrowfully. "Love is the most powerful thing, something that only can bring true happiness and satisfaction. You only bring misery onto yourself because of the dark path you choose, and you blame us for it when it's all you. I feel sorry for you."

     "Don't talk to me like you know me!" Regina snapped. "I will get my happiness, but I won't give into weakness!" Then she disappeared in a magic, whirling cloud.

Narrated by Kaylee (continued)

     "Well, that's great, she has her powers back," Aubrey said sarcastically.

     Suddenly, a thought struck me. "Do you remember seeing an urn on Regina's mantelpiece?"

     "Yeah, what about it?" Aubrey questioned.

     "It looked exactly like the same urn that we destroyed back in the Enchanted Forest with the sword of Nayu!" I exclaimed. "It might be the urn needed to enact the time travel spell. How is it here?"

     "Oh, yeah! That's a good question!" Aubrey exclaimed. "Maybe it has to do with this time aberration," she concluded.

     "We should ask Mr. Gold about the urn," I returned. "That might explain why he seemed so hopeful we would succeed in this spell. Maybe he really did know the urn was in Storybrooke. He might answer our question why it is here. And I also want to ask the reason why he wanted to time travel that time back in the Enchanted Forest even though he was aware of the dangers." We entered Mr. Gold's shop. "Mr. Gold, we need to speak to you," I said.

     Mr. Gold stopped dusting and looked up. "Alright, Deary. You have my undivided attention."

     "We just realized that Regina has the urn we had destroyed back in the Enchanted Forest," I said. "Does that have anything to do with the time aberration? Did you know it was here?"

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