Chapter 38 The Battle

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Narrated by Aubrey

     Early that next morning, when the sun was beginning to rise, Kaylee and I were woken up from inside our tents by Celtic war horns that blared. We scrambled to our feet and heard terrified screaming and chaos outside. Grabbing our cloaks, we headed outside, then a horseman rode up through our camp and proclaimed, "We have an ambush! There is a fleet of Camelot's ships coming our way!"

     "How is this possible?" questioned Merida, surprised. "Arthur is dead!"

     "I don't know, but we shall find out," said Mulan grimly.

     "Rally up our forces!" Merida ordered the horseman. "War is here!"

     I turned to Kaylee and whispered to her, "If Arthur is alive then that could explain Merlin's strange disappearance. Arthur must have not died from his fall, then he probably managed to get the Excalibur that fell where he did and then commanded Merlin. Arthur is probably attacking DunBroch not to help Eamon, but to just get revenge on all of us."

     "You're probably right," Kaylee agreed.

     The DunBroch army was quickly formed, and we all were going to be part of it. Everyone got fitted for armor, but because all the armor was too big for Kaylee and me, we had to go without, except we wore helmets. Then we were all equipped with weapons and horses. "Now this is the time to use your battle skills I taught you all," said Mulan. "May they serve you well."

     We all joined the giant army, and Merida proclaimed in front of it, riding her horse that was pacing back and forth, "We shall fight as one, brave and strong, not only for our home and ourselves but most importantly for our families. Love truly makes us strong and courageous; for we have something worth fighting for, and it will not be in vain. I know we will conquer!"

     Immediately, the army shouted with confidence, then Merida led the army toward the DunBroch Sea, and from the cliffside where we all stood, we saw the Camelot fleet advancing, and some of the ships were already anchored. Hundreds of solders riding horses and holding Camelot flags were approaching land, hollering out their battle cries. I felt my heart race and my palms grow all sweaty. It was cold and overcast out, but because I was so tense, I didn't feel cold at all.

     "To DunBroch we shall fight!" Merida proclaimed with courage and valor.

     The DunBroch army immediately started shooting arrows down toward Camelot's army, then we all started tearing down the bluffs, shouting our war cries. Very soon our army and Camelot's army clashed, and instantly, blood was shed. The scene roared with violet slashing, and men were being slaughtered in numbers within a few seconds. I never felt so fearful in my life; for I was terrified that my friends would get hurt, especially Kaylee. Everyone's lives were at stake, but I had to focus on what was happening now, not what could happen. I fought my hardest ever, finding that energy, strength, and courage inside me I knew God gave me, and I prayed He would protect those I love.

     The sea was filled with blood along with hundreds of dead bodies of men and horses which was a morbid sight, making me feel so sick. My ears rang from the blood-curdling cries, and through the havoc, suddenly, I sighted Arthur. Momentarily distracted, a second later I was shot at my left shoulder, and it was the most painful feeling in my life. Pulling the arrow from my flesh made me nearly puke, and the agonizing pain spread down my arm, making it feel useless. I was bleeding awfully bad, and I was worried that it wouldn't stop. I had to only rely on my good right arm to hold onto the horse, and I forced myself to ignore the pain like a trooper. I spotted Arthur again, and now he was sword fighting with Lancelot. Then a few minutes later, I saw Arthur fall off his horse; for an arrow had hit him, and I realized it was Merida who had shot the arrow. Lancelot jumped off his horse and took up the Excalibur Arthur had dropped. And a moment later, Merlin appeared on top of a boulder, and instantly, he performed something incredible. With his powers, he shot a thunderbolt into the gloomy sky, which was so ear-piercing that it took many of the fighters by surprise and caught their attention. A lot of the fighting suddenly ceased. Then Merlin shot another thunderbolt into the sky, even louder, then he yelled out at the top of his lungs to the two opposing armies, "SILENCE!" Immediately, the fighting ceased all together, and Merlin began proclaiming, "There is no need to fight any longer; for DunBroch has won. King Arthur is dead!"

A World of Another Kindजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें