Chapter 3 The Queen

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Narrated by Aubrey

     Kaylee and I ran from the fortress and journeyed a mile down the hills. It was already dusk out, so we knew we needed to stop for the night and make camp. We made camp down by the brook where we could catch our supper. As Kaylee was gathering firewood, I was sharpening a long stick to create a spear out of it which was pretty much our only option for catching fish. I successfully managed to catch two large trout, and we cooked them over our blazing fire. Even if we burned them a little bit, they still tasted delicious.

     That night was clear and starry. It was warm and pleasant out, and I enjoyed the sound of chirping crickets. We lay on the grass and stared up into the sky. Everything was so peaceful that I actually did not want this night to end, but it was not long until we drifted off into a fast slumber.

     Morning came quickly. I sat up yawning wearily, soaking up the warm sunshine, and it took me a minute to remember where we really were, not back at home. "What a beautiful morning," I remarked just as Kaylee woke up. "Let's go explore the Enchanted Forest and see how enchanting it just may be. We can hunt for berries bushes too."

     We entered the nearby forest, and the sunshine that filtered through the shallow parts of it captivated me. As we ventured deep into it, we saw lots of animals such as birds, squirrels, deer, rabbits, foxes, and occasionally raccoons. I felt like I was in the fairy tale forest from the movie, Snow White and the seven Dwarfs, and it was the most beautiful forest I had ever seen. After exploring for some time, we came across a dirt path, then we heard the sound of rolling wheels approaching. An elegant, black carriage came into view, and it appeared to be a royal one. With curiosity, we neared the road to get a closer view of it. Suddenly, a voice that was heard from inside the carriage said, "Stop right here, Driver. It looks like we have some company."

     A beautiful woman who looked like a queen by her lavish appearance stepped out. She wore a lavish, black dress that had a high collar and draped sleeves; and she had long, black hair put up into a stylish, high pony tail. A crown was on her head, and a curious smile was shown on her blood-red lips. Then she approached us and spoke in a friendly manner, "Well, well, well, who do we have here? Are you lost, Children?"

     "Um...," I faltered. "We were just exploring, Mam. Who are you?"

     "I am Queen Regina," came her reply. "I rule all the land you stand upon. Now tell me your names, Dears, and where you are from. I do not believe I have seen you two around here before."

     "I'm Aubrey and this is my sister, Kaylee. We are actually not from around here. It's a long story."

     "Do tell me, and you can do so in my carriage," the queen replied. "Doesn't a ride sound quite nice?"

     Kaylee and I were hesitant whether we wanted to accept or not since it wasn't like we knew this queen. But because our feet ached terribly, we accepted. I thought it would be cool to ride in a real queen's carriage anyway. "Thank you, Your Majesty," I said with an awkward curtsy. Kaylee cast me an amused smile because of it, and I felt embarrassed.

     We climbed into the carriage, and the interior of it was just as luxurious as the exterior. As the carriage drove on, there was an awkward silence. Then Regina began, "Now, tell me everything."

     We told her the entire story, including Rumpelstiltskin, and the queen listened intently with an intrigued look.

     "I'm so sorry what has happened to you, Dears. That must be tough to not only be separated from your dear family but to also be tied to a deal with the Dark One. How unfortunate that is. I'm afraid you two have gotten yourselves into a serious matter. You know what? How would you like to come and stay with me at my castle for the time being? You will be protected that way, and I shall have you as my honored guests. Doesn't that sound marvelous?"

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