Chapter Nineteen

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"We don't know for sure Ash, we don't know. Maybe I should go see Skye, she might tell me." Grayson's voice broke the quiet.

"I don't think I would be able to ask that question though, hell I don't know if I could even stand to be in the same room with her, she's hidden this from me for all my life. I grew up without a father, without knowing who he even was, maybe he doesn't even know who I am, all because of her" Grayson's voice broke as he paced the room.

"Gray" I know my voice was barely a whisper yet it made him stop in his tracks.

I stepped closer to him.

"What if he did know about me, but he didn't want to know me? What if he doesn't want anything to do with me? I mean he has a wife. Skye might've caused problems in their marriage and I was the result. I am the one that came from my mothers mistake." Grayson didn't stop rambling.

"I tried for years. For my entire life up until now to find my father, to make him proud, to make everyone around me proud of me. I worked my ass off. I barely got a childhood because I was instantly trying to be the best that I could. I tried so fucking hard" Grayson's voice broke.

He doesn't swear very often, hell he almost never swears.

"Grayson" My voice is quiet again as I quickly make the rest of my way toward him, standing in front of him now.

He wont look at me, wont meet my eyes.

"Hey, look at me" I softly say, gently taking his chin in my hands, like he had done to me a million times.

"It's not your fault. It's horrible that you didn't get a childhood, that you didn't get to experience the things you should have but you're here now, and I'm so beyond proud of you for that. I'm proud of you for being here. I'm proud of you. Your brothers are proud of you, the old man is proud of you Gray. And if Sheffield knows about you and didn't reach out or try to be there then I'm sorry but he doesn't deserve you." I quickly say, speaking as softly as I can.

Grayson basically collapses into my arms as I hold him gently.

I gently run my hand up and down his back, trying to comfort him in anyway I can.

It's not until I feel the cold tears or hear the soft sniffles that I realize he's crying.

"I'm here Gray, I'm going to be here for you through all of this" My voice was quiet as I slowly moved him toward the bed, moving him to sit on the edge.

I stay holding onto him, hugging him as he sits down, he slumps into me, head landing by my collar bones as I lean down slightly.

"I'll be here" I whisper.

We stay like that for a few hours, Grayson crying, being venerable, he wasn't like this around others, he always had his walls up, never letting them fall. But now, in this moment, they fell.

Grayson wore himself out, growing tired.

I gently guided him to the bed, helping him hop in and making sure he was comfortable so he could get some well needed rest.

Fame//Grayson HawthorneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon