Chapter Fifteen

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Xander finds me at lunch, quickly dragging me toward an empty hallway.

"Xan what on earth are we doing?" I quickly ask, raising my brows at the younger boy.

A wide smile sit atop his face as he passes me an earphone.

I place the earphone in my ear, taking a step closer to Xander so there isn't a pull on the wires.

He quickly turns his volume up as he places the other one in his own ear.

"Just listen" He quickly says, turning his attention to his phone.

"Toby 'died' years before you were born." Jameson's voice came through the earphones.

my gaze quickly snapped to Xander who just smirked.

"It's been twenty years since the fire on Hawthorne Island." Jameson continued.

"Do you have him wired? Oh my gosh Xander" I let out a small gasp as Xander tells me to be quiet.

"In The last game we played," Now it was Avery speaking.

"There were clues embedded in the old man's will" Avery continued.

""But that wasn't the old man's only will."

"The old man changed his middle name to Tattersall right after Toby's supposed death. And right after that, he wrote a will disinheriting the family."

"You're always saying he had favorite tricks. What do you think the chances are that the old will is part of this puzzle?" Avery asked Jameson.

The noise cut out as Xander looked down at me.

"Xander you cannot have your brother wired to find out clues" I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"If he doesn't find out then he can't do anything. Plus it's not like I'm doing anything illegal or invading his privacy, I'm just getting ahead" He quickly smirks.

After school Xander drags me to the law firm of McNamara, Ortega, and Jones.

I don't know how long we waited there but it felt like hours.

Luckily for us, there was no way for the paparazzi to get into the property of the firm.

After long enough, another car pulled up.

John Oren, Alisa, Jameson and Avery jumped out of the large SUV.

Xander and I made sure to put on the most innocents acts we could muster up.

"He's a Hawthorne" Jameson's voice came from just beside the car, speaking up so the two of us can hear him.

"And he'd better not have me bugged. As for Ash, she probably found a way" Jameson's voice lowered slightly at the end of his sentence.

"It's a wonderful day for looking at legal documents, isn't it Ash?" Xander quickly said, putting on the most cheerful voice he could as the two of us stood.

"The most wonderful" I replied, a wide smile sitting on my lips.

Alisa and John Oren led us up an elevator before taking us to a corner office, a document sat on the desk.

"I'll leave the door open," She announced, giving each of us a look before moving to stand right outside the door.

"Would you close the door if I promised very sincerely not to ravish your client?" Jameson called after her.

"Jameson!" Avery hissed, causing Xander and I to laugh lightly.

"I've literally known you since you were in diapers," Alisa quickly says, glancing back at the four of us and rolling her eyes.

"And you have always been trouble" Alisa followed.

"And it's not you I'm worried about" She mumbled that one before going back to her position at the door.

I can't help but feel a bit crappy at that last sentence, I know she doesn't like me very much, or trust me for that matter but still.

"Guilty as charged" Jameson shrugs, looking toward Avery quickly.

Xander takes that as a chance to get to the will first, I quickly follow.

Jameson and Avery quickly crowded around the will for us all to read.

I, Tobias Tattersall Hawthorne, being of sound body and mind, decree that my worldly possessions, including all monetary and physical assets, be disposed of as follows:
In the event that I predecease my wife, Alice O'Day Hawthorne, all my assets and worldly possessions shall be bequeathed unto her. In the event that Alice O'Day Hawthorne predeceases me, the terms of my will shall be as follows:

To Andrew and Lottie Laughlin, for years of loyal service, I bequeath a sum of one hundred thousand dollars apiece, with lifelong, rent-free tenancy granted in Wayback Cottage, located on the western border of my Texas estate.

Xander pointed at that section, tapping it gently, "Sounds familiar." He points out. It's exactly the same as the later will.

As I continue reading I pass by Nan's part, it's the same as before as well.

To my daughter Skye Hawthorne, I leave my compass, may she always know true north. To my daughter Zara, I leave my wedding ring, may she love as wholly and steadfastly as I loved her mother.

It's similar to the later copy but in the later copy, the one where Avery and I inherit everything, they got left money to cover their debts and fifty thousand dollars. In this copy, he left them basically nothing.

The reminder of my state, including all properties, monetary assets, and worldly possessions not otherwise specified, is to be liquefied and the proceeds split equally among the following charities..

A long list of different charities followed, some I'd heard of when I learnt about the foundation with Grayson.

Attached to the back to Tobias Hawthorne's will was a second, it belonged to Alice O'Day Hawthorne, his wife, but it was identical, they planned to disinherit their family together.

"your grandmother was in on it," Avery quickly said.

"She dies right before Grayson was born, everyone says the grief over Toby killed her." Jameson quickly says.

Did she know Tobias Hawthorne II was still alive? Did Tobias Hawthorne even know at that point that he was alive?

"There are only two major differences between this will and the last one." Avery quickly says.

"We aren't in this one." I quickly say.

"Which, baring time travel, makes sense, given that you weren't born until three years after it was written." Xander quickly added on.

"And the charities." Jameson was focused.

"If there's a clue in here, it's in that list" Jameson didn't even bother to look at any of the rest of us as he started to pace slightly.

"And you know what that means, Jamie." Xander grinned.

Jameson made a face of resentment, showing that he did, in fact know what that meant and he didn't like it.

"What?" Avery quickly asks.

Jameson sighed theatrically.

"Don't mind me. This is what I look like when I'm preparing to be painfully bored and predictably annoyed. If we want the rundown on the charities on this list, there's an efficient way of getting it. Prepare yourself for a lecture Heiress."  Jameson was being overly dramatic.


[Avery+Ash+Xander+Jameson working as a team<3]

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