Chapter 12:Ballard of Chaos and Miracles

Start from the beginning

"The same goes with me and ChaosGallantmon." Takato added, drawing out his D-Power, while Guilmon braced himself against his dark version.

"Biomerge activate!" The brunette called in a mighty tone, combining his form and energy with Guilmon's, forming the all-powerful Gallantmon, who, after brushing his cape aside, readied his lance and shield.

With the variants of Veemon and Gallantmon doubles about to engage in combat, UlforceVeedramon and Gallantmon stopped when Jun, Silvermon, Rika and Renamon walked up, standing proudly by their sides.

"Jun? Silvermon? What are you guys doing?" Ulforceveedramon asked, making Jun say in reply. "What does it look like, I'm sticking around to fight with you."

"We are a team, and a team looks out for each other." Silvermon said, seeing Davis and Veemon like family and didn't want to see them fall against DarkestMagnamon.

And though Jun felt the same, the way she expressed it was different.

"Plus I'll never hear the end of it from mum and dad if you two wind up losing." The maroon haired girl added , which made UlforceVeedramon sigh a little, but within his being, Davis and Veemon smiled from Jun's way of showing she loved them.

"Alright then. Ready sis?" UlforceVeedramon asked, making Jun withdraw her Digivice and smirk.

"You better believe it, Squirt." She replied, teasing Davis a little, before focusing as she announced. "Silvermon, it's time to Digivolve!"

Releasing the energy from her Digivice, it filled her partner, surpassing Rookie, Champion and Ultimate, causing the fox Digimon to call as she reached her Mega form. "Silvermon, Warp Digivolve to... Kuzuhamon!"

And with one foxy shaman Digimon fighting, another was soon to join when Rika looked at Gallantmon with a confident expression and told him. "Sorry Gogglehead, but no way are you facing ChaosGallantmon solo. You and Guimon taught us to be a team, that means sticking with your friends through thick and thin."

"So you best believe we are staying to fight by your side." Renamon added, which caused Gallantmon to nod in understanding and acceptance.

"Very well." He replied, before asking. "Ready?"

"Always." Rika said with confidence, drawing her D-Power, where she held the device up and unleashed its power, like Takato and Guilmon, combining with Renamon and her to announce. "Renamon Biomerge to... Sakuyamon!"

With the four now in their Mega forms, ready to fight the Chaos Knights, taking lead, UlforceVeedramon and Gallantmon leapt forward, with UlforceVeedramon clashing his blade against DarkestMagnamon's Black Digizoit covered arms, while Gallantmon struck at ChaosGallantmon, who fended off his light side with his shield.

"Guys, we've got these fakes handled. See what you can do about those towers." UlforceVeedramon told his friends.

And though the remaining Digidestined wanted to assist in fighting alongside their friends, they respected the command and headed off, with Tai, Sora, Agumon and Biyomon heading for the north tower, while Kari, Yolei, Gatomon and Hawkmon went to the west.

With the Digidestined going their own ways, UlforceVeedramon turned his attention back on DarkestMagnamon.

"Well this is going to be fun. I get to finally destroy you." The darkened Magnamon said, pushing UlforceVeedramon back and allowed his hands to fill with dark energy.

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