Chapter 61 - MONEY

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Acting normal after the Great Revelation™ was a challenge. Only Zack realized something was wrong, however, so clearly it wasn't affecting your work ethic much.

Currently you were reasoning with Popeye, who was thoroughly enraged that you wouldn't bring him along to the meeting place. He was especially angry that you suggested only Dabi and Zack come along. You wanted to keep an eye on the scarred criminal. You knew now why his eyes were so hauntingly familiar.

"Listen, Sir, we want to blend in. You and Albatros stick out like sore thumbs. Saw isn't very good at combat. I dont want to risk it. You'll be here to leak the files if the guy we're meeting tries to kill us."

He huffed. "How can I trust you three with the money?"

Oh so that was the problem. Dabi wasn't especially trusted within the gang either. And despite your usefulness so far, you were new. It was understandable.

You turned the pendant on your neck around so that the camera faced Popeye.

"I'll make more money blackmailing multiple people than just taking this one's money and running for the hills. I need you for that. Not to mention that despite myself, I've become quite fond of the four of you."

Popeye grimaced. "Gross."

You ran a hand through the fur on your neck. "You'll let me go, though? Our interests align. What is sentiment in the face of financial gain, after all?"

"...Fine. But if you fuck off I'm hunting you down."


You knocked on the door to Dabi...Touya's storage unit. You all had to leave soon. You heard shuffling and he opened the door, a miserable scowl on his face.

You looked down and saw he was shirtless, one of the patches of purple skin bleeding profusely from where it was joined to healthy skin. He had a medical grade stapler in his hand. You balked.

"Sit down," you ordered, pointing to the chair. He was about to utter something distainfully explicit, until he saw you rummaging through the largest pocket on your fatigues.

He plopped down, scowling at the pain the rough motion created. You pulled out a needle, syringe and yellow thread.

"Thread doesn't work. Just fucking disintegrates once I use my quirk."

"It's Kevlar thread," you supplied, earning a disbelieving brow raise. "That's why it's yellow. It's fire resistant, so we might have to redo it if we're forced to engage but it'll hold. Do you have anything sterile I can clean this with?"

You bent down, kneeling on the floor in front of him. He stared down at you, looking vaguely uncomfortable but nodded and grabbed some gauze and surgical spirits off of the desk. He wet the soaked the gauze in the spirits and handed it to you. You gently pressed it to the torn section of skin and he hissed.

After a few seconds you exchanged the gauze for the local anesthetic. He pointedly looked away as the needle pricked him multiple times. He looked back down as you pressed down around the wound. "You feel any pain?"

"No," he sighed, looking away again. "Go for it, Plague."

You deftly began stitching up the tear, Dabi only grimacing slightly at the mildly uncomfortable feeling.

"There we go," you ran the gauze over the stitches once and then looked up, meeting cerulean blue eyes. Another bout of guilt welled up in your chest.

"You're good at this."

"My mother taught me," you said without thinking.

"What happened, (Y/N)?"

At four you'd already known more pain than you had any right to. You'd come home with bloodied knuckles and a bruised face, your clothes hiding worse wounds. She looked genuinely concerned, for a moment, before she looked up and no doubt saw another horrific apparition hover around you. You turned around, not seeing anything but addressing it regardless.

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