Chapter 45 - TESTS B-E

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"During this test you should constantly communicate with the men at the control center. Even Mr Todoroki has a group of people at the agency who have control of the secure hero networks and GPS devices on Mr Todoroki and the sidekicks. During rescue missions specifically, communication is paramount," David lectured over the loudspeakers once more. You nodded.

Without warning, the nearest building was set ablaze and you immediately pressed the button on the communications device.

"How many people are we talking? My infra red quirk won't work very well with the fire disrupting it."

"We see thirteen life signatures but there may be more. Time is of the essence."

You entered the building, once again using your apathy and berserker quirks but opting to use your fire immunity as well. As a preventive measure you also pulled a thick, black fabric mask out of a compartment on your belt. You put it over your nose and mouth so that you didn't inhale the fumes.

On the comm, you heard Enji snort.

"Who are you? Batman?"

"Only if you'll be my Joker," you said as you made your way through the building.

"Your father has that covered, I think."

You barked out a laugh. "No he's more like Bane. Batman and Joker both hate Bane, I think."

"Okay but why should I be Joker?"

"I dunno. He's hot. You're smoking. Close enough."

"...Was that a fire pun?"

"You know it."

"There are presumably six people in the next room," David informed you.

You stepped through the flames and called on Heinrich. You placed your hand against the door and turned the wood into nitrogen. The size of the flames decreased slightly. You scanned your eyes through the room.

The six people were lying on the floor, probably to avoid inhaling the smoke.

You picked up a few pieces of furniture, and transmuted them into nitrogen above the fire at the door. The fire almost completely disappeared within a five meter radius, and satisfied with that, you began to urge the 'civilians' to their feet. You told them to hold on to each other and picked up the child in the group. Holding him to your chest, you spoke. "Alright buddy. We'll get you out of here soon. I'm going to lead you guys out of here. Please stay together and if anyone gets hurt or runs into trouble, please tell me."

Using the chains on your choker, you grabbed a few more large object in the room and used that to extinguish any fires in the way. Finally, everyone was outside. Thankfully this was done within minutes and you could leave the faux civilians with the imaginary paramedics on scene.

Without further ado, you rushed back in.

"Where are the rest?" You asked, pressing the button on your communication device.

"There are another five in the storage room near the lobby and two are trapped on the top floor."

"That makes my life easier," you said as you rushed into the burning lobby. The carpets and furniture were on fire and you hastily turned all of them into nitrogen as well. With the decrease of oxygen in the room, the flames died down. You had to get out quickly.

You transmuted the door and called Arisu. She put her hand on your shoulder. It's been a while since you've used more than four quirks at once.

You scooped all five people into your arms - possible due to your berserker quirk - and flew out of the nearest window, not minding that the now broken window made the fire in the lobby increase in size exponentially.

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