Chapter 44 - TEST A

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"Wait Enji, really?" You asked, completely taken aback.

"I pulled some strings. It was weighing on you so I figured..."

The man paused, his expression hardening.

"I need to preface this by saying that I don't need your protection."

You nodded, agreeing entirely. "I know that. I can't help but worry, though and honestly, I'd love to be able to work with you sooner."

Enji's expression softened. "Me too."

"So when and where do we meet them?"

"You know the UA High entrance exam center? The tests will be conducted there. In two days."

"Two days? Give a man a warning, won't you?" You joked, hitting Enji with your elbow as he tried to steal another mushroom from the pan.

"You'll be fine," he said, successfully snatching one and triumphantly walking away.

"Ugh come on Enji those are Yumi's!"


There were a few staff members at the examination facility, through the most distinct face was an attractive thirty year old man with snow white hair. He looked familiar, but you couldn't put your finger on it. When he saw you and Enji, he smiled brightly, and shook your hand enthusiastically before introducing himself.

"I'm David Geier. It's wonderful to meet you."

You looked behind you and in seeing Heinrich's face, you knew your intuition was correct.

"You want me to tell him something for you?"

David looked at you quizzically but you ignored him.

Heinrich frowned, before nodding. "Tell him I'm not sorry. But I missed him."

"God you're a sap, Heinrich," you said, pulling him closer by his shaking hand.

David looked spooked. "Heinrich?"

"A relative of yours, right?"

"My...older brother. But he's dead."

"Yeah well obviously. I can speak to spirits so your shitty older bro is right here," you said, not bothering to be tactful.

The man shuffled awkwardly, allowing you to see his prosthetic arm. It was pretty high-tech so David was probably well-off.

"What did you transmute his arm into?" You asked Heinrich. David cringed at the memory and you offered him a sympathetic glance.

"Gold," Heinrich answered.

"Ugh. You gay bitch."

At that David snorted and Enji looked as amused as he was confused.

"Anyway, Heinrich says he's sorry. And he missed you. If you wanna talk to him later, we can arrange a meeting."

Heinrich scowled at the incorrect quote but you ignored him.

David cleared his throat. "That would be wonderful, thank you, Mr (L/N)."

"Please just call me (Y/N). Save the mister shit for Enji when he's cranky."

Enji gave you a withering look that you couldn't help but smile at. With a little huff, he spoke.

"So, let's get this over with. The sooner he has a hero license, the less he'll mope around the house."

You pursed your lips and David's eyes widened.

"Congratulations, Mr Todoroki! Of course. We'll deal with it swiftly," he said and bounded off towards the control room. Enji frowned.

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