Chapter 53 - ZACK

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"Our combined vibes are really ruining the atmosphere right now," Ryota said, looking around the café.

"You wanted to come here, Ryo. We could gave done this at the station."

"Noooo, I haven't seen you in forever," he whined, basically throwing himself  over you and wrapping his arms around your neck. From the other side of the table, Kenji and Enji looked on with palpable annoyance. Though Kenji's was a lot more exasperated and affectionate than Enji's.

"Okay how about the two of you chat outside for a bit. I can tell you're uncomfortable. Plus I don't trust Ryo and myself to strictly talk about business."

Enji looked hesitant but nodded, getting up and leaving, squeezing the nape of your neck as he walked past. You leaned into the brief touch before meeting Ryo's mischievous gaze.

"Yeah okay before we discuss my homicidal ex boyfriend, ask away."

"Okay how the fuck did that happen? Like he's the last guy I'd peg for having a public relationship with a guy."

"Well, it's a queer platonic relationship, first of all, but God it's awesome. Just existing next to him feels fucking amazing."

"Yeah well, you were never one for social convention," as an afterthought he added, "You love him."

"Yeah. I mean look at him," you gestured to the window. Outside the café, Kenji was offering Enji a cigarette that he very awkwardly declined. "He's so adorable, fuck."

You rested your head on Ryota's and he relaxed further. "Man, you're whipped."

"Guilty," you admitted with a smile.

"What do you think Akaguro is going to do next?"

Your smile faded. "He's obsessed with All Might. With this idea of a 'true hero'. Since he couldn't be one he wants to ensure only true heroes exist."

"Oh God. He's going to kill..."

"Yeah. And Enji is likely on that list. It's either that or-" You stopped yourself, shaking your head. No, it's probably not that.

"Or what, (Y/N)?" Ryota pressed. You sighed.

"Or he wants me to kill him."


Your conversation was interrupted by a teenage girl who tentatively touched your shoulder. You startled and nearly jerked back, thinking it was one of the villains.

She brought the offending hand to her chest and muttered an apology. "I'm sorry, Sir. I just wanted to ask if you were Hellraiser?"

"Uh, yeah, kid. What can I do for you?"

She pouted at the title but continued. "My little brother and mom were on that train the other day. I sort of just wanted to thank you for saving them."

"Ah! The rope dispenser, eh? Tell the little guy he helped me out a lot."

She smiled brightly. "Will do. Also fair warning, don't look up your hashtag on Twitter."

You frowned, looking pained. "Oh God why. What happened?"

"They're sort of just, uh, calling you a wannabe villain or something. Has to do with your criminal background and stuff," she muttered nonchalantly, as if that tidbit of information didn't matter to her. "Personally I think they're full of shit."

"Aw fuck," you whined. "Now everyone knows I was both metaphorically and literally slaying when I was a teenager, Ryo."

Both the girl and Ryota let out startled laughs.

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