chapter- 11. Come back to me.

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Taehyung sighed. He glanced at the door of room no. 303. It was glistening, having been just repaired. Yoongi must have had spent a lots of money into it.

But that wasn't what pissing him off so much— well, maybe a little bit. He partly knew about Yoongi's financial condition and with all honesty, it was kind of obvious. What was actually pissing him off was the fact that the janitor forced him to move out.

Taehyung rubbed his chin and tilted his head to a side. "Should I just get rid of him?"He mumbled under his breath, but then shook his head. No, that would be too clumsy, he'll only scare Yoongi off if the man happens to find the janitor's corpse two blocks away.

Besides, he doesn't kill if not necessary.

So now the only option is to go out and search for him. Where is he even supposed to find him, damn it. He gnawed on his bottom lip, he had a gut feeling, that something was gonna happen, he knew yet he still went out. He shouldn't have left Yoongi alone.

"Fuck, this is driving me crazy."Taehyung said with a frustrated grunt and stomped out of the residence.

He doesn't have the faintest idea where he should start searching, but he couldn't just sit still when the weather's so cold.

He can't loose Yoongi.

Not again.

"What did I tell you guys about behaving yourselves when you're in my bar?"Namjoon looked from Jimin to Jeongguk, arms folded in front of his chest, frowning. "Don't you dare give me the silent treatment, apologize to each other right now."

"WHAT?!"The both say in unison. Jeongguk pointed at Jimin,"Apologize? To this fucker?! In your dreams!"

"I'm gonna drill another asshole in you, you useless buffoon!"Jimin growled at the taller.

"I'd like to see you try, you can't even reach me without having to tip toe." Jeongguk replied smugly.

"You must really have a death wish, huh?!"

"Right back at you, cotton candy."

Jimin's face twisted into an angry snarl. "I'm not cotton candy—"

"Tell that to your pink fluffy hair,"Jeongguk snickered,"leader of Kitty Gang, my ass. You lot look like powerpuff girls with bruises."

Jimin grabbed Jeongguk's shirt and pulled the man closer to his face. The taller whistled and smirked at him. "You wanna kiss me so bad, Minnie, you look stupid."

"I'm gonna fucking destroy your pretty fucking face and rip your piercings off from your ears and lips."

"That's quite a violent way of making out, I wouldn't recommend it."

"I'm threatening to kill you."

"That, too."

Yoongi nervously shifted closer to Namjoon. "U-um... is it okay to let them fight like that?"

Namjoon sighed and facepalmed himself. He turned around and if Yoongi had to honest, this was the first time he'd seen that look on his boss's face.

"You literally have the maturity of a toddler!" Jimin hissed.

"And you have the height of one." Jeongguk hissed back.

At this rate, Namjoon would actually end up closing the bar for today and... if that happens where is Yoongi supposed to go? He doesn't have anywhere else to go! And he hasn't even worked his full shift, how can he even shamelessly ask Namjoon for money if he doesn't work?

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