chapter- 5. Kang Joohyung.

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Yoongi has received one of those sticky notes again. This time the face drawn on the note is taking him time to figure out what exactly it indicated.

"They said the new yeer's celebration would be great. Let's go and have fun. O:)"

"What the hell is this?"

"An angel." Yoongi's one and only friend Kang Joohyung replied as he stirred his coffee.

Yoongi sent a questioning look at Joohyung's way. "That- that's an angel?"

Joohyung nodded, sipping on his coffee.

Yoongi met Joohyung one summer when he was 21 years old. Though Yoongi doubts he expected to become friends with a mental health patient that he met while volunteering.

Yoongi was simply a poor labourer, while on the other hand Kang Joohyung was a doctor with his own clinic and a manor house. Still, even though they had nothing in common, they've been friends for seven years now.

However, a lot has changed over those seven years. Yoongi's hair, weight or occupation.. so to speak. He now does the ghostwriting job that Joohyung had recommended him for.

...And Yoongi has dated 27 people, including Junhyuk, whom he broke up with somedays ago.

"What's your goal for next year?" Yoongi suddenly asked.

"Huh?"Joohyung said, arching a brow at Yoongi. "...To become an angel."

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows, confused.

"Hang on,"Joohyung continued. He placed his hand on his chin and tilted his head to a side, as if thinking something deeply. "Hm.. I won't get into heaven if I kill myself. Getting murdered would be more ideal, no?"

Yoongi, with his confused expression didn't argue about this subject any further with Joohyung, rather, he let out a deep sigh.

Joohyung hasn't changed one bit after all.


"I don't have any spare cash to lend you."

"Not even one hundred won?"


Yoongi slammed his fists on the table, sighing in defeat.

Damn it.

If he can't borrow money from Joohyung, there's no way he can escape the crime ridden slums of Suseong District. He has made up his mind to move, but his dusty safe... only contained dust and a sum of 5,000 won only. That's barely enough for rent-at the end, he'll have to keep the thought of moving away from the next door murderer at bay for quite a long time.

"This tea might smell awfully cheap, but the flavour is rather refreshing. Don't you agree?"Joohyung said, as if attempting to change the topic.

"I don't know.."Yoongi groaned as he melted further in the table.

"Are you in a bad mood?"Joohyung arched a brow at Yoongi. "And why do you need money all of a sudden?"

Yoongi slowly got up and glanced at Joohyung. "W-well..."



"Living expenses?"


"A man?"

Yoongi remained silent at that. Joohyung stared at him for a couple seconds before he scoffed. "Good lord, Yoongi."

"That's why I told you,when you're sleeping with a stranger.."He leaned closer," have to check whether they have venereal disease or not." He nodded. "C'mon, you can vent to me. What is it? Is it Gonorrhea or-"

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