chapter- 8. A Mistake.

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Does that mean.. all those sticky notes were from Taehyung? How did Yoongi not even once doubt that? But why though? Why would Taehyung go through such lengths?

Does that mean Taehyung wants something specifically from him and him only?

But why him?

Yoongi grabbed the banana milk and stepped up to the said man's room. He placed the bottle in front of Taehyung's door in hopes that he'd take it back if he left them there. No way in hell he's gonna drink this.

Not after knowing who exactly was the one...

Just when Yoongi was about to go back to his room, the door of Taehyung's room burst open revealing the significant man Yoongi was avoiding interacting with.

Taehyung looked troubled and angered. "Why didn't you drink it?!"He shouted, coming closer to Yoongi. The smaller did expect for Taehyung to lash out, however not right this moment! "Huh?! Do you not like banana milk? Should I bring something else--"

"No!"Yoongi interrupted, sighing to himself. "No, just don't. Ugh, I really don't want to drink anything. I'm fine."Yoongi glared at Taehyung who almost resembled that of a kicked out puppy. "I.. really don't know why you're doing all of this, but please stop. It's uncomfortable."Yoongi pointed an accusing finger at the taller,"So! No more banana milk or notes! That's that!"

With that, Yoongi stomped away from Taehyung and walked towards his own apartment room.

"Huh?" Yoongi let out as he looked up his front door.

That damn doorplate is crooked yet again.


So the next day Yoongi decided to talk to the janitor about the problem. It's not that it has happened only once, it's been like this for about weeks now. Why must he go through something like this when he pays as much as anyone else here?


"All this fuss over a doorplate!"One of the janitors said with a literal snarl on his face.

"He must be the sensitive type."The another janitor who was reading an newspaper commented.

Yoongi gritted his teeth. "It's not a hassle. And I'm not particularly sensitive either." He stated: "I'm merely excercising my rights as a tenant."

The janitors just scowled at him and ignored his complaints.

Yoongi stepped forward. "It doesn't seem to be caused by slamming the door or knocking hard. It appears to be down to shoddy workmanship. Aren't you the janitors?And isn't this the maintenance office? As far as I'm aware, 'maintenance' means repairs, improvement and upkeep of the building. Am I wrong?"

The janitors snarled. "Where'd ya think this is? Gyeongbok Palace of Joseon dynasty?Or perhaps, do ya think you're living in Seoul?"

Yoongi faltered, clicking his tongue and looking away in embarrassment. "T-that's not that case.."

"If you ain't happy, feel free to move out."

"Huh?"Yoongi asked, sweating profusely. "Are you being serious right now?"

The janitor glared at Yoongi, making him shiver. "Deadly serious."


"Hah.."Yoongi sighed. The doorplate. It is again slanted. Why is this bothering him so much in the first place?

Seeing how the janitors were of no help Yoongi went to talk to a joiner about this matter. The joiner couldn't believe that a doorplate could be placed so high up so he said that couldn't be the case. How is Yoongi gonna make him believe that it is that high up for him?

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