chapter- 6. Can this be called a date?

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Dinner for two in a murderer's apartment.

Yes, that may sound like a Japanese anime's title or a thriller novel's title. But believe it or not that is something that's happening in Yoongi's life at this moment.

Dinner for two in a murderer's apartment. He absolutely refuses. At any given moment he could become this man's new victim. There was no guarantee when this man's mood gets spoiled or he gets bored enough to get rid of him.

How could that not play in his mind?

Hopefully, even though he doesn't look it, with all means, he isn't too cheap to go out to eat.

"J-just to clarify, you can come empty handed,"Yoongi added. If they're gonna be having dinner nonetheless, he must have it his way at least. "It's my treat."

"Your treat?"Taehyung seemed startled at that, so Yoongi gave him a questionable look.

"Yes..?Is that a problem?"Yoongi mumbled, arching a brow at him.

Taehyung chuckled. "Of course not, Yoongi. But aren't you in a pauper state?"

Yoongi twitched his eyes,not daring to believe this brutality honest man.

"I have enough to buy us both a meal." Yoongi said as confidently a lie can be said with a poker face. That was a blatant lie because he had barely any money to afford proper food for himself let alone for two grown men.


At the end, they ended up going to a cheap restaurant that Yoongi had heard about from the convenience store owner the other day.

"Um, we'll be having one serving of Bibimbap and one of Japchae, please." Yoongi said to the waiter as he slowly jotted it down fast. "And-"

"Do you guys perhaps have any tangerines here?" Taehyung suddenly interrupted.

"I beg your pardon,sir?"The waiter asked, nervous. "Tangerines?"

"Taehyung, no." Yoongi said, slapping Taehyung's arms slightly. "Um, that'd be all, please. Don't mind him."

The waiter left after that. Yoongi glared at Taehyung who was grinning from ear to ear at him.

Him and his damn tangerines.

"Stop talking about tangerines! I'll be sick to death of them by the time we're done." Yoongi pointed a accusing finger at Taehyung.

Taehyung chuckled. "Oh, not to worry. It takes much more than that to kill a person."

Yoongi sighed in defeated, to which Taehyung tilted his head to a side and looked at Yoongi as if he was a confused kitten.

Keeping all this aside, this place is so cramped, run down and rowdy. So many people squeezed in here murmuring and bustling. The convenience store owner was indeed right about this place. He had asked Yoongi if it was for a date and handed him the information of this cheap yet nicely decorated resturant nearby.


Yoongi promptly choked on the glass of water he was about to have. Why is everyone talking about murders nowadays?!

"It might be a beggar who froze to death or a vagrant who died due to hunger." Another person added to the conversation stated.

Yoongi coughed out hard, his throat hurt from the impact.

"Do you reckon you'd be so flippant about it if you had seen the rotting corpses with your own two eyes?"

Yoongi nervously glanced at Taehyung who was quite busy looking at the glass in his hand rather than pay those people's conversation any mind.

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