chapter 18: celestials

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Chapter 18: celestials

As niana glow brightly it end in a seconds of time and a crest of a tree was created in her chest, it glow brightly and it seems like she become someone new.

"We greet the ruler of nature, guardian of the forest, the great one" niana said in her sweet voice and the others greet as well while the dwarf brothers was left confused and doesn't know what's going on.

" What Are you all doing? Why are you calling her a ruler of the forest like some follower worshipping a it???" Gard asks in confusion but somehow get it in the meantime.

" Yes, it is" niana nod and I saw gard looked at me in awe.

" Are we going home now, great one?" The elf, shina asks with tears in here eyes.

" Home? Elves doesn't have home? Isn't there supposed to be a kingdom of elves and or something like in the manhwa and anime I read?" I asks in surprise.

" It was 20 years ago, when we lost our home and was abandoned. We were truly sorry for disappointing you oh the great one!"  She said and she begged.

'i don't even know these elves why are they apologizing to me? Are they dumb?" She thought.

" What happened?" Aster asked.

"After father lost his sanity and begun to lust for power, the spirit tree of elves gave said that we will be doomed and will be punished for the sin we will soon commit. Because of the king, my father we were abandoned by the nature." She explained.

' wait wait, I can't understand. Aren't they suspicious of me after I don't know what happened to them if I were their god?' she thought

[ Host, for them you are a god, and that girl niana is a princess who want her people and the kingdom of elf to be back, she is sensing a divine aura coming from you and took that advantage and fortunately she got it big and you are the nature itself, as an elf born from nature, they are your child. ] Aisha said.


"In the end you are my childrens, I forgive you and the elves niana." She said then she started crying.


Night pass and a new day arrived. All the elf was already gathered and decided to leave the kingdom of NERMOSA and join aster to go back with her that will shock everyone of the kingdom after their disappearances.

Aster teleported herself and the others outside the city and meet up with greygor and others and they march home.

( Flashback )

Long time ago, elves are loved by nature and was abundant in resources that even dragons doesn't have that much resources.

They have a god they worship, a a spirit tree called euktrahill.

Euktrahill was a tree were infact just a special evolution of a tree that has a soul.

It was a sudden occurrence, while the kingdom and the forest of elves flourish and overwhelmed by resources a message from the spirit tree the elves worship spoke and gave them a warning from the upcoming end of elves.

And it did, the king lost his sanity and become sadistic and brutal.

The former kind and wise king became a mad king that brought end to their race.

Slowly, the powers of the elves vanish and the spirit tree abandoned them making them powerless and lost their home from the wrath of the storm dragon Magnus and stole their forest.

The forest of elves, ELVIA become the forest of all monsters in fantasia that later was called MONSTRA. Some monsters evolve into a rare and unique monsters that can rivals the prime races.

Thus, the elves became the weakest in the races.

There are different races in the world of fantasia and those races are the dragons, demons, angels, elves, dwarfs, giants, vampires and lastly the humans.

there is also a powerful individuals that formed a group and reached the power to be feared and gained a strong ability, they are called celestials, they have the power to destroy a whole continent with their abilities and are a true evil and a fearsome opponent.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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