Part 11

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(Hey guys I'm back again because my mental health is really bad rn so I'm hoping this will make me feel a little better also I've changed a couple things so now In the story for now you can't spend the night with your dom or sub everyone has to sleep with their room mates)

"What do you want to do baby" jughead smiled putting Betty on the bed. Toni could see she was getting shy being in the new place so she decided to give her a option.

"How about we watch a movie for a little while we have dinner at 6.30 where you will meet our friends and you look tired so we should relax a little" Toni suggested and Betty nodded happily.

"There's so many classes at this school I don't like it" Betty said sadly and jughead and Toni both feel for her.

You have to wake up at 7 to be at breakfast for 8 then school finishes at 3 but sometimes 4.

Then she will have to have therapy for another hour 3 times a week.

"I know babe it can be really tiring huh" jughead said gently rubbing her back once they were all snuggled up together.

Betty nodded and smiled as she had her head rested on Toni's chest and she was gently stroking her hair. Jughead was also cuddling Betty.

They put on a simple movie as they just wanted to cuddle and talk together. And maybe even get Betty to have a little nap as the two could see she was tired.

"So sweetheart why don't you tell us a little about your childhood and your life back in Riverdale" Toni asked softly continuing to stroke the girls hair.

They had already asked lots of little things when they first met but they hadn't talked a lot about her family.

"Umm well I lived with both my parents and my brother and sister which are both here at the academy but they don't really like me and I just don't get along with my parents because they never showed me any attention when I was younger and always shouted at me whenever I did anything wrong" Betty said sadly

"They forced me to come here which is why I guess I'm really uncomfortable with everything and they really wanted me to be a dom so they will be so disappointed in me" she added and from the sad look on her face with her almost crying it made Toni regret asking.

But these are things they needed to know.

"Baby can you look at us for a second" jughead cooed softly seeing Betty be visibly uncomfortable and wanted to reassure her.

Betty looks up at both Toni and jughead as she was now sitting up on the bed not really crying but was close to it.

It's a lot to talk about her family situation as it's just very confusing.

"I'm sorry you got forced to come here darling but we promise to make every moment here special, I know it's scary suddenly having all these new people around but me and Toni are here to protect you and love you and I'm so sorry about your upbringing but we are here to make it all better" jughead smiled at her.

"We will always be there for you and I promise to make you feel all the love your parents could never give you" Toni added sweetly and kissed her head.

Betty felt a sense of happiness knowing that the 2 people infront of her are giving her more joy then her family has given her in her whole life.

"Thank you" betty said shyly feeling so much love.

"What about your family's" betty asked smiling cuddling back into the two.

"Well I lived with my Just my dad and my sister because my parents got divorced when I was young but I'm still on good terms with my mom I had a pretty normal child and me and Toni and all our other friends were all from the same area so we grew up together" jughead explained and Betty smiled nodding.

She was happy jughead seemed to have a nice childhood.

Betty then looked up cutely at Toni wanting to hear what her life was like.

"Well I lived with both of my parents and my older brother who didn't come to the academy and a dog called hot dog that would just run around the neighbourhood then sleep at my house it was pretty good" Toni smiled and Betty nodded.

"If you guys had such good lives why would you come here" betty asked looking at the two who gently smiled.

"So we could find someone like you sweetheart" jughead smiled making betty blush a little bit.

"Yes babe we wanted to find someone to love like you and also it was just the best decision for all of us as a friend group to just make a change and it's all working out for the best" Toni said happily.

"Do you think your friends will like me" betty asked being nervous as she really wanted their friends to like her as they seemed to be really close.

It was always jughead Archie fangs Toni and Cheryl all the time growing up.

And now they all need to introduce each other to their subs.

"Of course they will absolutely adore you baby you already know Archie and Veronica and Kevin so now you  just have to meet fangs and Cheryl with whoever her sub is" jughead explained to her.

They weren't actually sure if Cheryl even had a sub as there is a chance if you don't have one on opening day then you won't for a while until you find one.

They don't even know what catetgory Cheryl was put in as she hasn't even mentioned any of it.

Betty nodded and let out a cute little yawn her eyes dropping slightly.

"Go to sleep for a little darling" Toni smiled rubbing her back and Betty nodded falling asleep.

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