Part 4

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Betty pov

Well this went so unexpected I wasn't even expecting to find a caregiver that I wanted.

But I've somehow found two. And I don't know what I'm supposed to do about it because I want both of them.

But I know that's so bad of me to want two people. But here they both are walking me to my room.

I'm excited to have Veronica as my roommate and I'm curious to what it will look like. Both Toni and jughead make conversation with me then I knock on the door and see Veronica already in there with a red headed boy.

V immediately smiles at me coming over and showing me all the space in the room which she was clearly excited about making me giggle.

"Who's that" I ask Veronica referring to the red headed boy that is talking to Toni and jughead.

"That's Archie I picked him to be my dom" Veronica said and I nodded saying a shy hello when Archie introduced himself to me.

"More importantly who are they" Veronica asks me pointing to jughead and Toni and I immediately blush knowing they can hear.

"That's Toni and that's jughead" I said smiling pointing at them and Veronica chuckled at jugheads name but introduced herself to them.

"So which one of you is Betty's caregiver or is it both of you it would be like a never ending threesome, whichever one it is I would kill you if you ever hurt Betty okay" Veronica said joking around at the start but got serious at the end making jughead and Toni fake surrender their hands.

"V leave them alone" I giggle lightly and Veronica nods as the three friends start talking again and Veronica and Betty start unpacking.

"I know I was joking about the whole threesome thing but seriously who do you choose" Veronica asked as they put their clothes away under their beds as they were really high.

"I don't know they are both so sweet" I pouted "I have to make my decision by the end of the day but I don't know what to do" I added

"Like it sounds really bad but I want both of them" I said with a sigh thinking jughead and Toni couldn't hear as I was talking really quietly but they could.

"Aw b don't stress about it too much you have until the end of the day to decide okay? Let's just have fun getting used to our new room" Veronica said and I nodded agreeing.

Once I was done unpacking all my clothes I needed to put my comfort blankets and stuffie on my bed.

I have a monkey stuffie that I've had since I was born but I don't want anyone to see it because then they really will think I am little.

So I just hide it in my blankets and pout at the bed being so high "how am I supposed to get on this" I  said trying to jump on it but couldn't quite do it.

"Here I'll help you get up" Toni said stepping in and lifted me up onto the bed as Archie and Veronica started talking again.

"Thank you" I mumbled a little embarrassed that she was too short to get on the big bed.

"I think we are gonna need to get you a stool little one" Jughead smiled at me.

God I'm feeling so many butterflies right now these two people are just capturing my hearts.

"Thank you for helping but I'm not little yet I don't even think I am a little I think Emma got it wrong" I said as I'm  refusing to let myself be a little.

Normally jughead and Toni would make at least a raised eyebrow at this but they knew it was just because she was confused on her feelings with who she wanted so she was pretending she didn't want any of them.

"That monkey stuffie  on your bed is saying a little different sweetheart" jughead winked at me then walked away with Toni out of the room.

Archie also left a couple minutes ago as all doms need to leave their subs for a while so they can have time with their roommates and to get settled in.

"I wanna decorate this room more" Veronica said looking around at the room that was pretty plain. "What's your favourite colour" Veronica asked me.

"Pink" I reply looking around the room "but if you want a different colour that's ok" I said as I really didn't care what the room was like.

I've never had a nice room like this so I'm more then grateful for any of the rooms.

"I like pink to the rooms mostly white so let's get some pink bedding and some lights and stuff" Veronica said and I nodded in agreement.

"Who do you think I should pick" I  sighed with sad eyes as it was really messing with me if i wanted Toni or jughead.

"Maybe have both?" Veronica said with a chuckle and I laugh thinking she's joking.

"I'm not joking b you like both of them they both like you maybe they would consider it" she said and immediately shake my head.

"Or maybe it would scare them away and then I have neither it then" I said making her think.

"I'm not saying they would do it but it's not the rarest thing ever there's lots of people here that have 3 people in their relationship" Veronica said.

"Yeah well we have to go to the cafeteria tonight I'll talk with them then if I have to pick I'll do it tonight" I said making Veronica nod.

It was 3pm and they had until 6pm until their doms would get them for dinner so Veronica snd Betty spent lots of time talking about everything.

They laughed so much and by time it was 5pm they were acting like they had been best friends since birth.

They were both so happy they had each other as roommates and it took Betty's idea of her current situation.

For the first time in a long time she felt genuinely happy.

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