Part 5

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Jughead pov

After we drop Betty of to her dorm me and Toni decide we need to talk to we want to the outside bit of the academy to a bench.

I was happy that Archie was Betty's roommates dom as i knew if  I got with Betty that it would work out well.

Me and Toni have been so close for pretty much our whole lives. But these past few weeks we've gotten closer because we had the same category of being caregivers.

But now it backfired as we are going after the same girl. I never really thought I'd be in this position and it's a difficult one to be in.

I want Betty but I don't want to fight with Toni and I don't want to take Betty away from toni because I don't want toni to be sad.

So it's a bit of a difficult situation.

"Realistically what do we do" toni asked me making me sigh "I want her and I think I could take really could care of her but I know you could to" I say "and I also feel bad for Betty because shes trying to make this hard decision about which one of us she wants" I add and toni more agreeing with what I've said.

"She told Veronica she wants us both" toni said making me nod.

"And jug this is probably the craziest thing I've ever said but what if she has us both" she says I look at her a bit shocked.

I don't turn it down instead I just sit there and think for a minute.

"How would that even work" I ask her.

"Well we both want this girl and we could both be good caregivers for her she could have a mommy and a daddy who would love her unconditionally" toni said

"And I know we will probably get jealous over her but we can spend time together with her but we can also have our moments alone. Nothing romantic needs to happen with us we've been best friends for years. To be honest I think this could be really great and you don't have to say yes but Just think about it" toni told me.

And that's exactly what I did. At first it seemed like a crazy idea but then I started to think and thought I might actually like it. Betty can have two people to love her and take care of her and protect her.

It doesn't mean I would be any less of a daddy it just means she could have the bond of a mommy to.

"I think it will work" I said honestly to Toni making her smile.

"Great we will talk to Betty tonight" she said and I nodded l.

Then we talked about everything how it would work making sure we both get alone time with her but also most of the time being the 3 of us.

The funny thing is we thought we would have a little each so we both bought loads of things for our future little.

But now she will just have double.That's of course only if she agrees to this she might decide she only wants one caregiver.

Betty pov
When it gets to about 5.30 pm I'm somehow already tired from this day.

But I know I'm no where near being able to sleep as we still have to have dinner.

And well it doesn't matter how tired I am I'm not falling asleep before about 9pm.

"This uniform is so ugly" Betty sighed as her and Veronica were looking at uniform.

"I know I can't believe we have to wear this" Veronica said clearly more bothered then me.

After the first day each person has a different coloured tie to show what they are.

Pink is little,blue is caregiver,red is dom, purple is sub, green is master, and orange is pet.

So Betty had her pink tie and Veronica had a purple one.

"The rules are so stupid here it's like every little needs to be put to bed by their dom" Veronica said making Betty raise her eyebrow.

"But we aren't children" Betty said confused and Veronica's nodded.

"It doesn't matter there's a huge list of rules and stuff that we have to follow although there's also a lot of fun stuff here" Veronica said and they went through all the rules together.

By 6pm both girls had made them look themselves a little better like brushing their hair and adding light makeup on.

Betty was in a light pink sweatshirt and blue jeans where as Veronica was in a short skirt and tight sweater.

"Can we come in" jughead asked knocking on the door and both me and Veronica shout that he can come in.

Toni and Archie also walk in as they all walked here together so Archie walked over to Veronica and Toni and jughead came to me.

I had a small pout of my face looking at my timetable for the week about what classes I have and where they all are.

"What's wrong princess" Toni asked crouching down as I was sitting on the floor.

I blush at the nickname and want to remind her I'm not a baby but I know there's no point.

"I don't know where all my classes are going to be this place is way to big and I'm gonna get lost lol I sigh looking at all my classes which were all in completely different places.

"It's okay sweetheart you'll get used to it really quick and me and Toni will make sure you get to your classes ok" jughead said making Me nod feeling less stressed out.

They are really sweet and know how to calm me down. I'm still really nervous about this whole thing it's a big change for me being so far away from home and my old school.

I might not of liked my living situation but it's all I've known my whole life.

And now I'm gonna be treated like a baby. Maybe not straight away but it will happen sooner or later.

I'm just scared about everything and I also need to make my decision on who I want for my caregiver.

It's just a lot for me to take in but I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Toni and jughead telling me it's time for dinner.

I really wasn't hungry but knew I  had to so both jughead Toni led me to the cafeteria.

"What food do you want princess" jughead asked me once we were at the cafeteria.

"It's fine I can do it myself" I say and jughead raises his eyebrow at me making me pout.

"Some chicken and rice please" I asked quietly making jughead mumble 'good girl'.

He served up my chicken rice and some broccoli then the 3 of us go to our own table as they said they wanted to talk.

To say I'm a little nervous is a understatement.

I have to make my choice.

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