- Epilogue: Four months later -

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- Oliver's Pov -

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- Oliver's Pov -

I stand to the side of Wanda with Natasha standing on the other side, and we are both holding her hands as she screams at me never to touch her again. It breaks my heart seeing her in this much pain, but at the end of the day, the three of us will become, and the pain will be forgotten. Wanda has been in labour for two hours, and my grandmother has been here the whole time to bring the babies into the world in their forever home with their brother who us going to help me cut the cords. Peter wanted to be involved. Actually, he practically begged us for him to be here so he could see his siblings being born and to help anyway he could. We couldn't find it in ourselves to say no, especially when he gave us the puppy dog eyes, but we did warn him that it wouldn't be nice and that if he wanted to leave at any point then he could. And here he is standing next to me, helping his mama our with anything she wants and hasn't left the room at all, not even to go to the toilet. Natasha has been a nervous wreck the whole time and has been close to throwing her knives at the walls with how much she hates seeing Wanda in pain. I have tried to comfort her, but she pushes me away and tells me to focus on Wanda, which i do while dragging her ass with me so we can do this together as a family.

I snap out my thoughts when Wanda screams about cutting my dick off so this wouldn't happen again, and i seriously hope she doesn't mean that because i don't want that to happen. Suddenly, grandmother starts smiling as she grabs the closest blanket while telling Wanda it's time for the first baby to be born. That's when i see Peter run to the baby bag to get out the stuffies he picked out for this exact moment. Since we don't know the genders, he picked animal stuffies that he hoped his siblings would love, and i know they will become their big brother picked them. I feel Wanda grip my hand tighter, and i see Natasha whince slightly, but she hides it like she always does by turning her attention to Wanda. I kneel on the floor beside Wanda and whisper sweet nothings to her while she begins to push. Peter is standing beside my kneeling form, basically cheering Wanda on like he is a cheerleader and he looks adorable doing so and i can see it's helping Wanda. After four pushes, all that can be heard is the sound of a baby crying as my grandmother slowly lifts up and lays our first born baby on Wanda's chest. Grandmother waves me and Peter over to cut the cord, which we do together i cut while Peter has his hand over mine as he cries. Before we could know the gender Wanda whimpers in pain, which grandmother notices and shouts for Loki, who teleports into the room, then takes the baby of Wanda's chest and stands where the baby bags are just as she starts to push again.

"Just one more Mama. I know you can do it!" Peter cheered

"I can't!" She screams, looking at him, either tears in her eyes

"Yes, you can, Mama. You're the strongest woman i know, just like mum. So be the strong witch you know you are, Mama!" He said strongly, making all of us tear up

"I can do this!" She screamed as she pushed only for us to hear another cry

"You did it, my love. Just like our son said you could. You did it." I said as grandmother layed our second born on Wanda's chest

"Oliver? Peter? The cord." Grandmother said happily

"Oh, right. Sorry." I said, then cut the cord with Peter

"What are the genders." Wanda said in between pants of breaths

"Your firstborn is a girl with a full head of red hair. This is the baby with Natasha's dna." Loki said as he walked round and hands Natasha her daughter

"I have a daughter. We have a daughter." Natasha said in shock

"We have a daughter." Me and Wanda said also in shock

"I have a little sister." Peter said with tears in his eyes

"And your second born is also a girl with a full head of half brown half while hair." Grandmother said softly

"Two sisters! Dad, can you help train me so i will be big enough to protect them!" Peter said with wide eyes

"Out little princesses." Wanda said with tears in her eyes

"What are their names?" Loki asked curiously

"Nicole Winni Oliversdottir. N for me and a W for Wanda." Natasha said, then kissed Nicole's nose

"Octavia Phoebe Oliversdottir. O for Oliver and P for Peter." Wanda said, smiling at Octavia, who is still lying on her chest

"Nicole and Octavia. My little sisters." Peter said proudly

"They will be showed all the love in the world." Loki said happily

"They will be spoilt." Natasha said lovingly

"They will never know the pain we did." Wanda said the kissed Octavia's head

"They will always be protected by their father." I said strongly

"And their big brother." Peter said just as strongly

My name is Oliver Lokison, and this was the story of how i let my soulmate's in to my heart. I have two amazing women who i love, i have gained a son and a family without letting fear win. I will never let fear run my life every again because these five most important people in my life keep me feeling strong. It's time for me to move on from all of the fear and pain from the past to finally be happy, which my mum would have wanted. It's time to make my mother proud of me



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