- Chapter 4: Keep her safe -

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- Oliver's Pov -

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- Oliver's Pov -

After a long restless night i step out of the elevator onto the common floor wanting nothing more then to have a nice hot cup of coffee to give me some energy. I ignore Fury talking to the team in the livingroom but make eye contact with both my soulmate's then i go straight to the kitchen where i pour a coffee in a black and red cup. I'm actually surprised to see Fury here this early in the morning since he would have just normal left after he has done what he needed to do. I turn around and lean against the counter watching as Fury now talks to my soulmate's quietly and i tightened my grip on the coffee cup in my hands not liking how close he is to my ladies. I want to go over there and sit in the middle of my soulmate's then wrap my arms around then to show every fucker that they have found their soulmate now. Then i watch Fury focus his attention to Natasha who gives me a small smile which calms me down slightly but with how Fury is looking at her i know what he is going to tell her is going to set me off.

"Your needed on a small mission, you just need to get some information from this hydra base without being seen" Fury said handing Natasha a brown envelope

"Oh hell no Fury, i know Natasha can look after herself but i don't want her to go alone against hydra especially after what i witnessed the other day!" I said angrily placing the coffee cup on the counter


"Don't you fucking dare ask me to calm down! One of my soulmate's is not going to that place alone, you better have someone go with her to keep her safe or so help me Fury i will do that mission myself!" I said slamming my hands onto the kitchen island infront of me

"I will go with lady spider" Thor said volunteering his assistance

"Good, keep Natasha safe at all times and for the love of od- god make sure she doesn't go into the basement" I said stopping myself from said grandads name

"Understood lord Oliver" He said nodding his head with a curious look in his eye's

"I will be safe Oliver, just don't kill anyone while i'm gone and Wanda make sure Oliver doesn't drink Tony's bar dry" Natasha said softly looking at me at Wanda

"No promises there darling" I said keeping my hands on the kitchen island

"I can handle it Nat, just be safe for us" Wanda said looking at Natasha worriedly

"If she get's hurt Fury it will not end well" I said crossing my arms

"The jet is waiting for you both, go now" Fury said keeping his eyes locked on my good eye

"I will be back before night fall Oliver" Natasha said standing up followed by Thor

"Keep her safe Thor" I said keeping my eyes on Fury while having that i'm not going with her

"Your just being a over protective ass" Tony said rolling his eyes as Nat and Thor left the livingroom

"Natasha is probably going to the base next to the same place i had to go to a just yesterday and let me tell you what i found in that place Tony. The whole basement was covered in blood from the dead naked tortured women tied to the walls and some of them had limbs missing. So tell me Tony if you had to witness that would you let your soulmate go there?" I asked him while creating a fire ball in my hand

"What-I- No i wouldn't" He said now looking at me wide eyed

"Exactly, so i apologise for not wanting my soulmate to see something like that" I snapped making the fireball disappear

"Oliver either go to the gym or library to calm down" Fury ordered

"Nope, if i'm alone i will probably end up drinking whiskey to drown my worry away" I said picking up my coffee cup

"Who is your father?" Loki blurted out and within seconds he is held against the wall by my magic

"What did i say about boundaries Loki!" Fury said angrily

"Listen and listen fucking good Loki Laufeyson or Odinson, that piece of shit will never and i mean never be my father because he is the reason my mother was murdered so don't you ever ask about that basterd again" I said angrily feeling my whole body engulf in flames

"It was just a quest-"

"Babe! Look at me not him" Wanda said cutting Loki off making my head snap towards her

"Some take Loki out of here now!" Fury ordered sounding angry

"Ignore them, just focus on me" Wanda said and i do just as she asked because i will do everything she asks of me

"Somone get a fire extinguisher just incase his fire gets out of control!" Tony yells sounding panicked

"It won't Tony, the fire stays with him" Fury snapped at him

"Will you all shut up! I'm trying to calm him!" Wanda yells at them

"Nothing will work unless it's whiskey" Fury said handing Wanda a glass

"Why whiskey?" Peter asked curiously

"Since the person that could care him with just a hug died whiskey took that place" He said simply

"Drink this babe" Wanda said holding the glass close but not to close

"Oliver! Snap out of it and drink the god damn whiskey!" Fury yells making the fire disappear as i take the glass off Wanda

"I didn't hurt you did i love?" I asked Wanda after downing the whiskey

"No you didn't, Clint took Loki away which was a struggle" She said softly

"Thank gods, I'm going to the gym to calm myself if anyone needs me" I said placing the glass on the kitchen counter

"Remember to wrap your hands!" Fury said sternly

"No promises" I said knowing i want to feel abit of pain.



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