- Chapter 24: She's harmless for now. -

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- Oliver's Pov -

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- Oliver's Pov -

By the end of breakfast, Thor leaves to go to asgard while the rest of us go into the living room where i wait for the scolding of a lifetime with Natasha and Wanda, either side of me then i have Peter on my lap curled up into my chest. I enjoy this moment while it lasts since it will be over once my angry grandmother gets here she will be on one war path. The one thing about my grandmother is that she hates not knowing things for hates not being there to help, so i know she is going to be angry when she gets here. I just hope Natasha does what i asked because i don't want any of them hurt by whatever my grandmother throws at me. Loki better not do anything stupid while she is here to because she end up throwing things at him to and i don't want her to break to many of Tony's thing even though he can afford to buy more.

I'm brought out my thoughts when i heard Tony talking to Peter about his new Spiderman suit after i asked for more protection to be added to the suit, not wanting Peter to get hurt. Loki is talking to Wanda about all the potions grandmother will probably bring to help her during this pregnancy, and Wanda is taking in every word. Natasha is talking to Clint about what things a baby would need since he knows a lot about kids for some unknown reason, but i will probably know when he trusts me enough. I lay my head back onto the couch and close my eyes, enjoying the sound of my soulmate's and Peter's voice, which is slowing lulling me to sleep until i hair the tail tale sound of the bifrost outside. I lift my head up just in time to see Loki teleport inside with my grandmother, and Natasha jumps straight acting by doing what i asked her to. I had no idea when Loki went outside to get her, but he could have warned me first because my soulmates and Peter are now in the firing line, which isn't good. I watch grandmother grab the nearest thing to throw it at me, and i stand up, then drive over to couch just time for a glass cup to hit the wall that's behind the couch.

"OLIVER LOKISON!" She yells in anger

"Yes, grandmother?" I asked, still behind the couch as she throws other things

"Not that, women!" I hear Tony say which makes me chuckle

"Oliver! Do not chuckle at me, young man! Now, where are your soulmate and son?" She said after she finally stopped throwing things

"We're here, ma'am." Peter said from behind Natasha as i stood up behind the couch

"You're not out of the woods yet, boy!" Grandmother scolds me as

"I know, just please don't throw anymore of Starks thing he may faint if you do." I said, smirking at Tony

"Come here, my handsome great grandson. Let me look at you properly." Grandmother said, opening her arms for Peter

"Go ahead, son. She's harmless for now." I said amusingly as he looked at me for reassurance

"Oliver!" Grandmother said, throwing a cushion at me, which hits me in the face

"Great shot, grandma!" Peter cheered but then stopped

"Sorry ma'am." He said, blushing

"Nonsense, come here, little one." She said with her arms opened wide for him

Peter slowly walks out from behind Natasha and walks up to my grandmother, looking very shy as he does. As soon as he is in reach, she snatches him up in her arms and holds him tightly, cooing at him for being adorable. Wanda's and Natasha walk over and stand either side of me, and they hug into my sides, hiding their face's in my chest.  I wrap my arms around their waist and smile down at them because right now they are both being so shy towards my grandmother when they don't have to be.

"No, which one of my future granddaughters in law are pregnant, Oliver?" Grandmother asked, still holding Peter against her chest

"That would be me, Ma'am." Wanda said politely with her head still buried in my chest

"Aren't you beautiful, my dear, now call me grandmother or grandma none of that ma'am. Some go to you, little one." She said as she looked at both my soulmates and Peter

"Grandmother?" I asked, not knowing where she was going with this

"Oh hush, you or i will throw something at you again." She warned me, and i shut up instantly

"I like this woman." Tony said, getting a glare from me, Thor and Loki

"Young man, i can you you this now my husband would not appreciate your words he is a possessive man." Grandmother said, smirking at Tony

"Mother." Loki said, stepping closer to her side

"Oh, silly me, I'm getting sidetracked. Is there anywhere private for me to do a check-up on my grandsons beautiful glowing soulmate?" She asked, looking around the room at all of us

"You can use the medical room, and my sisters name is Wanda Ma'am." Pietro said politely

"Medical room it is. Would someone care to show me the way?." She asked, raising her eyebrow, still holding Peter

"I will since mostly everyone is in shock from your arrival." I said, smiling

"Of course they are. You would think they had never seen an angry grandmother before." She said, smirking at me

"We have never met a queen before, let alone an angry grandmother, ma'am." Steve said, snapping out his shock

"Well, now all of you have." I said, rolling my only eye at them

"Oliver, the medical room?" Grandmother asked, walking closer to me

"Follow me. I would teleport us, but with Wanda being pregnant, i don't want to risk it. So we will be walking." I said softly

"I do love a good walk. Let's go then." She said just as softly



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