- Chapter 13: It will get easier -

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- Oliver's Pov -

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- Oliver's Pov -

Once everyone ate their breakfast, i demanded they all go to bed to get the sleep they didn't get thanks to Fury. They all went without one complaint, except Tony, he grumbled about wanting to go to his lab. I shut him up by telling him that if he goes down to his lab, i will set it on fire, and my god, i didn't know Tony could move so quickly. Then there was Peter, he was the hardest to get to bed because he didn't want to leave me alone. It broke my heart to see him so tired that he had tears in his eyes. Thankfully, Pietro uses his speed to pick Peter up and run them both to their floor before i could cave and let Peter stay with me. Ten minutes after they all left to go to their floors i in typical dad fashion go to every floor to make sure they are in fact in bed. I want to make sure they all get the rest they need right now because if they don't get this rest they won't be able to focus if they are needed on another mission and that will be dangerous for them.

When i finish checking on them, i teleport back to the common floor to clean up the mess from breakfast. It didn't take me long to do that, thanks to me using my magic to get most of it done, and now im laying across the couch reading a greek mythology book to pass the time away. Suddenly, my book is thrown onto the floor, and i gasp for breath as a heavy height lands on tip of me. I look down and see Peter lying on top of me crying into my chest, i wrap my arms around him while shushing him softly. I don't know what has made him cry, yet i know he will tell me when he has calmed down. I knew i should have just let him stay here with me, but i just wanted him to sleep in his bed where he would be comfortable. I feel him snuggle further into my chest, then i hear his softly snores, so i use my magic to summon my book back into my hand and start to read again. I will not and never will disturb Peter or my soulmate's if they fall asleep on me because that shows me im their comfort person.

Two hours pass go by, and that's when Natasha, Wanda, Clint, Thor, and Loki walk out of the elevator looking refreshed and more awake. When they see me laying on the couch with Peter on me, they rush over with worried looks on their faces, and i signal for them to be quiet. They listened and moved closer, being as quiet as they could with worried looks still on their faces, and that worry turned to concern when they saw Peter's tear stained face.

"What happened, baby?" Natasha whispered as she kneeled down in front of the couch

"I don't know love. One minute im reading my book, and the next, my book is on the floor, and Peter is lying on top of me." I whisper back

"He had a nightmare." Wanda whispers, and i see her eyes are bright red

"Can you see what the nightmare was about, darlin?" I whisper, knowing she is using her powers right now

"It was about Hydra killing you, Natasha and i in front of him. He doesn't want to lose us." She whispers with tears in her red eyes

"He will never lose us. I will make damn sure about that." I said, wrapping one arm around him to hold him tightly to my chest

"Oliver, may i suggest something?" Loki asks quietly

"Yes, seeing as you kept Peter and Natasha safe." I whisper, still holding Peter tightly

"He may need a couple of nights sharing a bed with you for those nightmares to cease." He whispers back

"I could try that, but only if he wants to do try that because i don't want to pressure him into doing something he doesn't want to do. Thank you for that suggestion, though." I said quietly

"I will go and tell Tony about this. Before you tell me not to wake him up, he is already awake and in his lab." Natasha whispers, then kisses Peter's head

"Just tell him to be quiet if he comes up here. I don't want Peter to be awake anytime soon, my love." I whisper softly

"I will make damn sure he will be quiet, don't worry, Ollie." She said quietly

"Ollie, really?" I ask quietly as she walks away

"Do you need anything, Oliver?" Thor asked surprisingly quietly

"Coffee, a boot load of coffee." I said, laying my head back onto the arm of the couch

"I could take over if you want a break, baby." Wanda said softly

"No, it's okay. He needs this, and i don't want to move him around." I said just as softly

She shakes her head at me and kisses me on the cheek, then skips over to the kitchen . I feel bad for not letting her have this bonding time with Peter, but i don't want to disturb him. Thor and Loki sit on the couch that is opposite the couch i'm occupying. It wasn't long till Wanda walked back in with a cup of coffee in her hand. She walked over to me and placed it on the coffee table within my reach.

"Now you can relax too." She said, smiling

"I won't relax till i know the three most important people in my life are safe from harm." I said softly

"We will always be safe with you, Oliver." She said, shaking her head

"You may be right, but i don't know that. No one who is in my life ever stays safe." I said sadly

"It will get easier, baby." She said with an understanding look in her eyes



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