- Chapter 1: Just stay here -

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- Oliver's Pov -

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- Oliver's Pov -

I walk back into my small apartment that used to be my mum's and walk straight to my mum's old room needing to feel close to her after the mission i have just finished. Fighting against those people that tore my mum away from me is as hard as it was the first time i fought them, they seriously do not care about the lives they take or ruin. It's getting harder to control my abilities when i fight them because i don't want apprehend them, oh no after the pain they have caused me i want to kill them. The only thing stopping me from doing that is director Fury since he ordered me to bring them in alive so they can answer for their crimes and one of those crimes is killing my mother because of who my father is and they wanted me to be their weapon.

I sit down on the edge of her bed which i still haven't had the heart to throw away and place my head in my hands trying to hold back tears of anger and pain. Hydra will pay for what they did to my mum one way or another and i can't wait for them to face their undoing. After a few minutes in mum's room i calm down enough to leave her room whispering a quiet i miss you hoping she can hear me wherever she is. Then i go to the kitchen where i have something quick to eat knowing Fury will be coming to see me for a debrief as normal. Once i've eaten i start to drink a glass of whisky to calm myself down only to be interrupted by Fury who storms into my apartment like he owns the damn place.

"The hydra agent's were unfortunately apprehended without injuries and are now on a jet to the helicarrier. You could have atleast let me chop a arm or two off because what i saw in that base was horrific. They had dead naked women tied to the walls Fury god knows what they were doing to thise poor body's" I said before he had a chance to say anything

"The debrief isn't happening Oliver, something happened and now you have to move somewhere i know you not going to like" He said nervously and only i ever see the true emotion of Nick Fury

"Who do i have to kill and where do i have to move?" I asked putting my glass of whisky down

"No killing, even though the thought of you kill Stark is quite pleasant. You have to move to the avenger's compound" He said and i wish he didn't

"Why do i have to move to that place, the same place where my sperm donor lives" I asked crossing my arms

"Stark managed to hack into my personal system and found your identity, he want's you on the team to help them apprehend the last few hydra agent's and he won't take no for a answer no matter how many times i told him no" He said sounding angry

"So your telling me Stark found out about me and now i have to move to the compound because they can't fight hydra as a team so they want me who can fight multiple hydra agent's alone" I said tilting my head curiously

"Yes that's what i'm saying, i know you won't like it but please do this to stop Stark from finding you himself" He said in the soft tone he used last year when mum was killed

"Fine but you better go and tell the team about me now because i'm not moving into a shit show where no-one knows about my arrival" I said firmly

"I will go straight there and talk to them but don't do anything stupid while i'm gone" He said sternly knowing i will probably do something stupid

"I'll try not to, you know what i'm like so no promises" I said picking up my whiskey glass

"Just stay here, i will be back as quickly as i can" He said then walked out my apartment

I sigh shaking my head at this situation because if Fury thinks he's going to have all the fun shocking the avenger's with the information about me he has another thing coming because i want to be apart of it. I place my whiskey on the kitchen counter then go to my bedroom where i use my abilities to quickly pack my belongs and teleport them to Fury's current location which has probably scared the avenger's since boxes have appeared out of nowhere. Once all the boxes have been teleported i leave my apartment making sure to lock the door then i do down to the car park and jump into my car.

When i'm buckled up i start the ignition and accelerate to the avenger's compound knowing i'm not going to fit in working with the avenger's and there's two reasons for that, number one is i literally have one eye because i lost my other eye due to a hydra agent stabbing me in that eye. Number two is my face is covered in scars from all the missions i have gone on and two of them scars are from the day my mum died because i couldn't protect her in time. But their opinion on my appearance won't bother me because i know i got these scars saving many women and children from the hands of hydra and two of are a constant remember that i need to work harder on protecting the people i love.

I can't wait to see Fury's face when i suddenly appear beside him and see the looks on the avenger's faces when they see me face to face especially Stark since he is the one that hacked into Fury's system and found information on me. All of them are going to be more shocked when Fury tells them about my mission count, kill count and capture count which are all longer then the winter soldier himself due to my abilities helping me out. I know Thor and Loki are going to very shocked to see me since they will feel a connect to me and i know they will go to grandma and grandpa for the answers which they will get. Oh this is going to be soooo fun!



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