- Chapter 12: For you and Wanda, always -

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- Oliver's Pov -

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- Oliver's Pov -

I take the ear piece out and hand it back to Bruce as well as the tablet. He takes them with an understanding look on his face. I mutter a quick sorry, then teleport straight back to the kitchen. Wanting to make sure Peter and my soulmate's have some warm food in their stomachs after such a hard mission. Only to see the entire kitchen engulfed in smoke thanks to the now burnt breakfast. I quickly open the balcony doors and then put the burnt food in the bin since it can't be eaten now. I summon Tony's finest whisky into my hand and take a couple of big sips to calm my protective instincts that are still on a high. While i do that, i use my magic to cook some breakfast and get everyone's drinks ready for their arrival. All i feel right now is anger because why would Fury send my soulmates to the one base that had a hand in killing my mother. I want to beat his ass for not only putting my soulmates and son in danger but the team, too. If anyone could hear my thoughts right now, they would think i was being a controlling ass. I'm not controlling, though. I'm overprotective because i don't want to lose my soulmate's or son like i lost my mother, i want to keep them alive to have the life they deserve.

Just as i send Tony's whisky back to the mini bar, i see Fury walk out the elevator, and that anger grows past boiling points. I teleport over to him, so im literally towering over him, which makes him step back in shock. I know he is only shocked because i have never stood this close to him, not once since i have been working for him, yet i have never been this angry at him. Without saying anything, i punch him straight in the jaw, resulting in him falling on his ass. That's when i saw all the team walk down the stairs from the landing platform, and all of them looked at Fury on the floor in shock. I drop my hands to my sides, not wanting Peter to be scared of me, then i take a few deep breaths to control my anger.

"Everyones coffee is on the dining table. Peter, your juice is on the kitchen island just like yours, Natasha's and Wanda's breakfast." I said softly, trying to hide my anger

"Why is Mr Fury on the floor?" Peter asked as everyone walked over to the kitchen

"He slipped over son, right, Fury?" I said while glaring at Fury

"He's right, kid. I slipped on my oversized trench coat." Fury said, climbing up off the floor

"Go eat your breakfast and drink juice box while i talk to Fury." I said softly, not wanting him around while i talk to Fury

"Okay, dad, I'll make you a coffee for when you're done talking!" He said excitedly

"Thank you, son," I said as he ran over to the kitchen

"What reason do you have for punching me, Oliver?" Fury asked once Peter was out of ear shot

"You sent them to the one place i asked you to never send anyone but me! That place was dangerous, too dangerous for my soulmate and son. If Hydra knew about them, they would have used them to get to me!. I could have lost them if your information on the base was incorrect!" I said through gritted teeth as i feel the floor beneath my feet start to shake

"I knew what i was doing when i asked them to take that base down. Do you really think i would have let them go if i had any doubts about the information i had?. I thought you trusted me Oliver, what happened for that trust to disappear?" He asked, crossing his arms

"Finding my soulmate's and son is what happened. I will never trust anyone with their lives except myself. That's down to S.H.I.E.L.D because i trust you and them with my mothers life, and that didn't end well. So, in short terms, don't ever send my soulmates and son anywhere that you know i would go alone. If you do, then you will get more than a punch in the jaw. I will not risk losing them. they're my family now, and i will do anything and everything to protect them from danger." I said strongly

"Understood, it won't happen again, seeing as that was the last know Hydra base. I'll only send them on mid level missions." He said, nodding his head at me

"I'm glad we reached a understanding, now fuck off. We are going to have a family breakfast and you weren't invited." I said, crossing my own arms

"I've already given Agent Hill all the information we gathered from the base. She is waiting for you on the landing platform." Natasha said, standing beside me

"Okay, okay, I know when i'm not wanted." He said, holding his hands up in surrender

"Make sure the door doesn't hit you on the way out, Friday has a mind of her own!" Tony shouts from the kitchen, and then i hear Peter giggle

"You heard him." I said, smirking

"Dad, your coffee is ready!" Peter yells from the kitchen, making me smile

"Your mum would be proud of you, Oliver." Fury said as he walked into the elevator

"I know she would be, I know." I said, looking down at the floor

"Come on, let's go to the kitchen before Peter comes out here to get you." Natasha said, looping her arm through mine

"Lead the way, my love." I said softly

"Always a gentleman." She said, smiling at me

"For you and Wanda, always." I said, then kissed her forehead

"Enough of the lovey dovey shit, we're trying to eat here!" Clint said jokingly from the kitchen

"The only thing stopping you from eating is you speaking, so shut up and eat bird man." I said jokingly

"Oh, you're good." Tony said, smirking at me



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