- Chapter 9: That they do -

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- Oliver's Pov -

After eating my breakfast that my beautiful soulmate's made, i find myself sitting on the couch in the living with Nat and Wanda on either side of me. Everyone is sitting around talking among themselves, and i hate to admit this to myself, but being here with everyone is starting to feel im a part of a family again. I know being harsh to my father isn't exactly the nicest thing to do, but he left my mum when she told him she was pregnant with me. Then, when i was born, he ignored my existence even when mum pleaded up to the sky for Heimdall to let her up to asgard to prove i was his son. I want to hate the man, i really do, but i have this nagging feeling that Mum would want me to give him this chance to prove he can be a father. He might not deserve a chance since he chose not to be in my life for whatever stupid reason he has but if mum was here she would tell me to give him a chance, one final chance at being my father. The thing is, i'm not just going to hand him the chance straight away. I want to see what he does first. Will he beg for a chance? Will he apologise? I have no idea what he will do, but we will soon find out when he comes back.

"Oliver, i want to say thank you for taking me to bed last night. You won't have to do it again, and i promise not to fall asleep on you again." Peter said now standing in front of me, bringing me out of my thoughts

"Kid, do not apologise for something so insignificant. If you want to fall asleep on me, then you bloody well do it because you help the team on missions whenever they need you, and you also go to school during the week. You falling asleep on me doesn't bother me in the slightest. In fact, it makes me happy knowing you're comfortable enough to fall asleep on me." I said sternly yet softly at the same time

"He's right, Peter, you should be getting more sleep than you are getting." Wanda said, looking at him worriedly

"I can't sleep alone, i have -" He said but stopped with tears in his eyes

"You have nightmares in the form of flashbacks. I have them, too. If you ever need someone to lay next to you, come and get me." I said, knowing exactly what he was going to say

"Or me. I won't mind staying with you if that means you are getting more sleep." Natasha said softly

"All of us won't mind, kid." Clint said, looking at Peter worriedly

"T-Thank you." He stuttered with a slight blush covering his cheeks

"No problem, kid." I said with a small smile

"You're really good with him." Natasha whispers into my ear

"He's a kid without a father figure in his life just like i was. I want to be that someone he can rely on for anything." I whisper back to her, then kiss her forehead

"You're already someone he relies on. He just doesn't know how to tell you how he feels." Wanda whispers as she cuddles more into my side

"He will once he is ready." I whisper to her as i look at Peter, who is now cuddled into Tony's side

"So let me get this straight, your Loki's son? Who has been hiding from him?" Bucky said with a bag of plums on his lap

"Hit the nail on the head, Bucky." I said, smirking at him

"But why would you hide from your own father?" He asked, confused

"I would like to know that too." Thor said curiously

"He left my mother when she told him she was pregnant with me. Then, when i was born, he ignored my existence even when mother pleaded up to the sky for Heimdall to let her up to asgard to prove i was his son. He wanted nothing to do with me all my life, so why would i just let him waltz into my life like nothing happened? Especially when my mother was his mate and he just left her like she was nothing to him." I said through gritted teeth, trying not to speak coldly in front of Peter

"HE DID WHAT!?" Thor yelled, making Peter flinch

"Thor, calm yourself, you startled Peter." I said angrily at him

"Sorry, little spider." Thor said softly

"Loki deserves everything, i seriously don't know what goes through that gods head." Bruce said, shaking his head

"Make him work for a chance. Don't give him the chance straight away." Tony said, pointing at me

"Oh, I'll make him work for it." I said, smirking

"I like you already." Tony said, smirking at me

"I thought you hated me, old man." I said, raising an eyebrow at him

"I did, but now i don't." He said, shrugging his shoulders

"You always hate everyone until you get to know them, Tony." Clint said, rolling his eyes

"I have trust issues, okay?" Tony said, rolling his eyes back at Clint, making me chuckle at their childishness

"Are they always like this?" I whisper to Wanda

"Yes, and it's always amusing." She said, smiling

"It's never ending, i normally have to treaten to stab them for it to stop." Natasha whispers, making me chuckle again

"I bet you do love, and i bet they stop instantly with fear in their eyes." I whisper, looking at her

"That they do, that they do." She whispers, smirking

"Good because everyone should fear a dangerous woman, especially my dangerous women's." I whisper, smirking back at her

"I'm going to my lab now, i have a lot to do, but if there is any more drama, someone notify me. I don't want to miss anythinggg." Tony said, dragging out the G



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