PSwShXKR01 X Saber: FantXeyez (Part 2)

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30th April 2020
10:30 PM
In the news

It was hacked and changed to a man in a suit in front of the camera giving the world their last message

"God has made a world without a foundation, in these 60 minutes I will destroy it and resurrect the ideal heavens,"

"As a god, I will create the land, the sky, and also the seas. Even the stars, and all that has life, disappears with this world,"

"This world is headed for pain that we have no cure for, and we will gain wisdom as gods after Eternity's rebirth. After that, sorrow is no longer needed, and also feeling pain is no longer needed. And you don't need to depend on an unclear destiny!"

"And for me, I... will give up everything. My name is Aiz, and As the embodiment of the guardian of the heavens, I will guide the humans,"

"Now, the chosen few, Rise! For those of you who are chosen after this battle, you will be guided by the guardians of the paradise!"

"And for those who aren't chosen, give up your lives, there's no hope for being alive in this dying world, the gate has been open for every single one of you will be sent to a place where the devil is waiting,"

"The only safe option is to believe in Eternity, and those only can be chosen by me, and to those who will be guided, will it be heavens? Or hells?"

"Now pray to the guardians of heaven to be guided, otherwise your life will come to an end, in the countdown,"

"After when it becomes zero, at that moment... Your life... No, the earth and every living being is gone within second,"

"Now, let's begin the battle that stakes this world," Aiz said before turning off the recording


At the others

After they see Aiz on the news, they're getting ready for the fight


Outside of the battle tower

Crowds of white-cloaked people are around the tower and seem to be ecstatic to support someone


11:00 PM
Inside the battle tower battlefield

A bunch of the white-cloaked people that are holding torches are circling the battlefield to spectate the fight

The two people on the battlefield were Aiz in Visions form and Victor in his Zero Three form

Visions are slowly approaching Victor while the Thousand Jacker is behind him with the last-hour countdown of earth

"I won't let you do as you please!" Victor said to Aiz

Both started rushing toward each other and let out a punch. Their punches collided with each other's fists and they're holding it off

Aiz tried to kick him but Victor disappears. He reappears behind Aiz and tries to kick him from behind but he dodges it

Aiz turns around to kick him back but he disappears and reappears again behind him to punch Aiz

He turns around and caught his fist before it could impact to him. Aiz try to kick him but he disappears again

Victor then inserts the Zero Three key into the attache calibur

"Eternalight's ability"

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