Chapter 8

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Location: East Hospital in Wyndon
December 10, 2019
08:35 AM

Inside the Hospital, we see Haruto is getting checked out by a Humandroid nurse. Haruto was stunned by the Humandroid beauty

"She is a Nurse type Humandroid, Her name is Nurse Bliss," Izu said to Haruto

He nods, "Her smile is so cute~," he said

The Humandroid then started scanning Haruto

"She's scanning for face identification to see the status of your health currently," Izu said

"Haruto Aizen. 22 years old. Height 176 cm," she then walks toward Haruto and carries him, "Weights 62 kg. Blood pressure is 115," the Humandroid said

"It was programmed to have the ability to do what a normal nurse would do," Izu said, "She's always accurate and efficient,"


Haruto then is seen standing on an x-ray machine for his chest

"Please take a deep breath," the Humandroid said

Haruto takes a breath. The Humandroid then turns on the x-ray then got a picture of Haruto's bones from the x-ray

"At least that I know she's transferring the data of my health that is stored at the local hospital database near here," Haruto said

Outside of the hospital

A mysterious Humandroid then sneakily enters the hospital, by using another door that's on the side. It then scans the area, then starts running. The Humandroid opens the door to see another nurse type Humandroid nearby

"Target detected," the Humandroid then reveals to be Hunter then gets out of the room and walks toward the Nurse

He then penetrates its neck with the tendrils. The Nurse looks around to see who did it. Hunter moves out of its view to not get caught. The nurse didn't see Hunter and assumed it was nothing then walks away

Hunter then looks back at the Humandroid Nurse, "Hmm? Why didn't. It work?" while tilting his head

Back to Haruto
09:57 AM

He walks out of the room, feeling tired from standing for so long for the x-ray, "Finally, it's done!" Haruto said while tirelessly walking

"Congratulations on passing your health test," Izu said

"Thank you, Izu," Haruto said while walking toward the main lobby of the hospital

Haruto then sees a lot of medical Humandroid that's working, "Damn, there's a lot of Humandroid here even though it has a bad rep from this region," Haruto said

"Because these types of Humandroid are better suited for these types of medical fields than a regular doctor or nurse would compete," Izu said

"No need for you to explain it again to me. I've already known this part," Haruto said to Izu, "But still, it's awesome to see something like this again,"

Daybreak, hideout

We see that Berc and Ward are in the hideout and Berc is in front of the computer, busy with something

"Hey. Big brother. How many humans are there?" Ward asked Berc

"7,7 billion," Berc replied with the answer

"Huh?" Ward was shocked at how many humans there are

"And that number will always increase every time since there are more advanced and better medical studies and access to better healthcare," Ward said

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