09 I want to remain here!

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Beauty was never so bored in his whole life.

There was no trace of the Peony's king, not even weeks after his arrival. Seems that King Wang Yibo was still very sick. He even heard some gossip going around that the nobility of the kingdom would prepare for a grand meeting where to declare King Wang Yibo ineligible for ruling the country given that his health is not getting better.

Xiao Zhan wanted so much to visit him, to comfort him, to take care of him.
He even asked lord Liu HaiKuan to let him go with him to the palace from the top of the mountain:
"Please, I promise that I will not get his sickness, I learned to prepare all kinds of traditional ancient medicines from my father's old Lǎoshī (A/n: teacher in Chinese) doctor. I will go in the forest today and pick the necessary plants, then tomorrow morning I will go with you, only if you allow me of course. I will prepare the medicines after I see with my own eyes what his sickness is about.
And you shouldn't worry about me, I know what herbs are good for protecting me from getting infected with his disease.
It would make me so happy to take care of him, instead of spending days here, feeling completely useless.
And I also would very much like to see Snowflake, I simply fell in love with your beloved dog, especially with his bewitching eyes."

But sadly, his proposal was politely rejected.

He had nothing else to do but go back to the daily routine of doing nothing except to take long walks in the forest or on the sea shore, especially to avoid the annoying princess Yang Zi's presence.
Time for eating, time for bed, the days went by, one after another.

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Even ChiangCheng seemed like he deserted him, it's like he was more interested in lord Liu HaiKuan's company than in spending time with comforting his best friend's misery.
Wang ZhuoCheng was suspiciously excited whenever lord HaiKuan was coming to the palace with the new orders from the Peony's king.
Hmm...Beauty had never seen his friend spending so much time in front of the mirror, worried about his hair style and whatnot.

At least the reassuring news coming from home was giving him the necessary strength to carry on.
Half from the traitors gang were already in the prison, but there still remained a few to be caught, who managed to hide or to run abroad.
In the letter he received from The Rose, his father promised that he will be safe to come back soon, but not before the secret service would finally find Wen Ciao and the rest of the anarchists.

It was snowing heavily even though November has just started...but maybe it's something usual for The Peony's climate.
The weather ruined Beauty's plans for that day, as he intended to go in the forest to look for herbs, fruits or roots that he might make use of.

"Oh, good morning prince Xiao Zhan, I mean good afternoon! I am so excited that we are finally having lunch together, after so many days that we have rarely met each other.
So great, because I have so much to talk about with you! I hope that nothing's wrong with lord Wang ZhuoCheng,", princess Yang Zi clapped her hands and grinned in satisfaction when the prince of Rose showed up in the royal dining room , alone.
That ChiangCheng guy is getting on Andy's nerves so badly with his endless questions and suspicious eyes, like he was in constant doubt with everything the princess was saying or acting.

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