Chapter 19

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A few more hours before the concert, Alexander and  Marley readied themselves for the show. They said goodbye to their friends and drove off in Marley's car. Alexander occasionally looked to his right, where Marley sat. He saw the glimmer of excitement in his crystal-blue eyes. The darker-haired man's lips curled into a smile at the sight. 

Marley tapped his hands on the steering wheel in time with the soft music that played in the background. "How long have you been playing?" Alexander asked as he stared out the window in front of him.

"Hm?" Marley hummed in question— a polite version of, 'what?' His head tilted whenever he asked something. His pupils dilated, gazing into your eyes without looking away until you answered. His lips softly rested on his face, and he ever so slightly pursed them.

"Your guitar."

"Ah," his eyes sparkled even brighter. The strands of hair he had missed when tying his hair in a messy ponytail swished in the light breeze. Alexander loved his long hair. He hadn't admitted it to his face yet, but the dark-haired man loved how it blew in the draft or shined in the daylight. He loved the small but noticeable waves in his hair. 

Everything about Marley is beautiful. Especially his smile. "I started playing when I was fourteen. It was a present from my dad, so I started to pick it up one day and learn."

Alexander smiled. He wondered what it would have been like if they encountered when they were kids. "Your dad must be cool."

The blue-eyed man smiled warmly with a twinkle in his eye. "Yeah, he was."

"Did something happen to him?" Alexander's brows furrowed, and his chest clenched together.

"I'll tell you another day," Marley assured.

The dark-haired man felt guilty for bringing up something so personal. "I'm sorry for asking."

"It's okay, Xander," Marley beamed. "I would have told you sooner or later."

Alexander remained uncomfortable with the fact he accidentally caused Marley to share that information with him. But not long after the 'awkward' conversation, Marley found somewhere to park the car, and they'd walk the rest of the way. 

A cold wind hit them as they exited the vehicle. Alexander buried his hands in his coat—and they started their stroll to the concert.

A few minutes later, they were outside the building where the show was to be held. Marley looked at his phone, checking the time. "We've got thirty minutes until the doors open." His blue eyes darted to a little truck nearby. "Stay here," he said as he walked towards it. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

The brown-eyed man furrowed his eyebrows with confusion. He leaned against a wall, waiting for his friend to return. 

Five minutes later, Marley walked back to his friend with two cups in his hands. "Here," he smiled. 

It was a hot chocolate to warm themselves up. Alexander smiled at the considerate thought and took one of the drinks from Marley's hand. "Thank you."

The blue-eyed man grinned in response, leaning against the wall beside Alexander. There were crowds of people around, waiting to be let in the building. But after standing outside in the cold for some time, the doors opened, and swarms of people lined up to be let in. "We should head in now," Marley stated.

The two lined up like everybody else, and eventually entered the building. It was a big venue, which frankly overwhelmed Alexander. However, Marley seemed to know his way around. 

They had finished their drinks and threw them in the bin before entering. "Take my hand," Marley suggested. "I don't want to accidentally lose you in the crowd."

Without hesitation, Alexander grabbed his friend's warm hand. He liked the feeling of holding Marley. Soon as he held his hand, Alexander never wanted to let go. 

A while later, the venue was filled with people. Alexander and Marley were squashed together by the crowds of people surrounding them. Luckily, the blue-eyed man continued to hold Alexander's hand, making sure he didn't lose him. 

The opening band stepped on stage, and the crowd roared. Marley's eyes lit up as the band introduced themselves. A smile crept onto Alexander's lips, seeing his friend become so excited.  Marley turned his head to Alexander to see if he was enjoying himself, and he gave the man a big grin, which sent hundreds of butterflies to his stomach.

They began their first song, and the golden-haired man's eye twinkled in the lights. The vocalist sang into the microphone, following the musicians by his side. The drums kicked in, and everyone in the crowd began to dance along.

Marley grabbed Alexander's free hand with a big smile. "Want to dance with me?"

"Only if it's you," Alexander laughed. 

The two continued to dance throughout the performance without a care in the world. It was only them and the music. But when the opening band had finished their performance, Marley slowly let go of one of Alexander's hands. 

The stage was filled with fog and music played quietly, gradually becoming louder. It was a suspenseful opening, which had the audience on their toes. A minute or so later, the instruments stopped, and the fog cleared, revealing a dark stage. But within that stage, there were four figures you could make out.

Silence loomed the room, which was broken by the lead vocalist singing into the microphone without the instrumentals following. Everyone cheered as they listened to the beautiful vocals, and shortly after, the musicians behind the vocalist played alongside him. 

The blue eyes that Alexander regularly admires shimmered in the lights. Marley was completely inspired and drawn to the music. He beamed as he watched the musicians play. He was lost for words. 

The audience sang along, jumping up and down on the spot. Cameras were out, arms were waving, and people cheered.  

Alexander could never get bored of watching Marley. He was far too beautiful, warm—charismatic to look away. However, he could still feel the fog loom inside his gut. He could still feel a wave of sadness whenever Marley grinned. But for now, he enjoyed his time with his friend—hoping this relationship would never end.

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