Chapter 3

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Marley woke before Shai and Alexander to make breakfast. He began making scrambled eggs before Shai cried out.

"Coming, Shai!" He brought her out of the cot and held her close to him. "Hungry, ay? Let's get you some breakfast." He scrambled the eggs, leaving them on the element.

Huh? Where am I?

Alexander found his glasses and looked around the room. He heard a baby cry as well as a smokey scent. Alexander walked towards the cries, rubbing his eyes. "What's going on?"

"Oh! Xander, good morning!"

"What's that smell?"

"Well, I was trying to make us all breakfast, but I might have left the stove on."

"Idiot." Alexander walked to the pan, tipping the eggs out and washing it. He opened Marley's fridge, getting the ingredients out. He whisked the ingredients together and poured them into the clean pan.

"Baba," Shai exclaimed, reaching for Alexander.

"Aw, is that your second papa?" Marley smiled.

"I'm not her papa!"

Marley laughed. "Right."

"Breakfast's up."

Marley fetched the plates, setting them on the table, and one on Shai's high chair. Alexander served the food, sighing as he sat to eat with the two.

"Wow! You're good at cooking! Are you the cook in your family then?" Marley beamed.

"I don't have a family at home."

"Oh? I'm surprised. What about a girlfriend?"

"Don't have that either."

"Well, you're always welcome to cook for us," Marley grinned. "I'm not the best chef, as you can tell."

"Baba," Shai said, reaching towards Alexander.

"What is it?" Alexander blankly responded, uninterested.

"She wants you," Marley explained.



Marley picked her up, bringing her to Alexander. She sat on his lap, smiling. He stroked her cheek lightly with his right hand. Her little hand grabbed onto it, giggling.

"She does like you, Xander."

"X-Xander?" Marley beamed, continuing his breakfast. "Finish your breakfast, Shai." He picked her up, placing her back in the chair. He picked up the spoon, feeding her.

"It's nice having someone to help out," Marley whispered.

"Idiot. I'm not going to be her second parent. I'm busy as it is."

"Oh, so if you weren't busy you'd help?" Marley chuckled.

"T-That's not what I meant!" Alexander flushed.

Marley laughed, tying up his shoulder-length hair into a bun. "Come on. I'll clean up whilst you freshen up for work."

Alexander turned the bathroom tap on, splashing his face with cold water. He gazed into the mirror, looking back at himself.

I shouldn't get used to this. I know what happened last time I let someone in.

"No wonder your ex-girlfriend left you, Al. You really are a selfish, inconsiderate man."

"What did I do? Please, what did I do wrong?"


"Silvia, tell me-"

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