Chapter 7

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The week continued to be dull for poor Marley. Amara would send her updates and speak with Marley as she usually would. However, Alexander drifted away. His work is his top priority, and no one can change that. Well, that's how Marley sees it. He thought there was a blossoming friendship. He thought he could make Alexander smile when he needed it the most. I was wrong.

"Hey, Amara," Marley smiled, sipping his piping hot coffee.

She smiled at him, making herself a tea before heading to her desk. "Hey, how are you doing today?"

He pursed his lips. "I'm fine." Marley sipped his coffee, watching his friend pour the hot water into her cup.

She dunked the teabag in and out and proceeded to throw it in the bin. The blonde-haired woman poured a dash of milk, stirring it before taking a small sip. She walked towards the door to leave and turned her head. "See you around," Amara smiled.

"Wait!" Marley suddenly spoke. "Can we talk later? There's...I-"

She nodded softly, walking out the door. Marley stood still, a small sigh leaving his parted lips. Shortly after, he, too, walked to his desk, resuming his work.

He looked over his monitor, seeing Alexander. Like always, his eyes were glued to nothing but his screen. Marley noticed when he's stuck or is thinking, he places his thumb in his mouth, slightly chewing it on the sides.

Marley sighed as he tore his eyes away from the man. There was no good in staring at him from behind. There was no good in him trying to strike up a conversation with Alexander.  There was no good in calling his name.

Alexander would place his finger and thumb on the bridge of his nose if Marley were to say anything. He'd sigh deeply, with irritation seeping through it. He would sternly tell him to leave him alone.

Marley stretched his arms after a hard day's work. He placed his right hand over his mouth as a small yawn escaped. The light-brown-haired man stood from his office chair, walking towards Amara. "Ready to go?"

"Yes," Amara replied, shrugging on her coat. "Where should we go?"

"Nowhere fancy. Just that small park that's a three-minute walk from here."

"Don't you need to pick up Shai?"

"It's okay. This will only take a few minutes."

They walked out the door and were greeted by a cold gust of wind. Amara dug her hands deeper into her jacket as the two walked. The sky began to grow darker, with it almost hitting sunset. 

Marley spotted a free table in the park. They each took a seat, squinting their eyes because of the sun. "So, how are you feeling, Marley?" Amara asked with her hands underneath her chin.

"I don't know. I don't understand my emotions. I mean, one minute I'm raging over it and then the next moment, my chest feels tense and my stomach drops. I'm afraid."

"Afraid of what?"

"Losing you guys. Losing Alexander..."

"Did something happen between you two?"

"I don't even know myself. We got along when we hung out. He looked happy. Then he suddenly went back to his work, pretending I'm not even there."

Amara bit the inside of her mouth briefly. "Can you try talking to him about it?"

"I can't. If I say one word, he will tell me to be quiet or leave him alone."

"Right." Amara sighed, worriedly looking into Marley's eyes.

Alexander shrugged on his coat, heading towards the main doors. Another busy day flew by, his eyebags darkening with it. He sighed as he hung his bag off his shoulder.

Earlier, he saw Marley leaving with a woman. Her blonde hair swayed as she walked. Her red lipgloss shined in the light. She was beautiful, and  Alexander couldn't deny that. Although her face didn't strike a name, it did look familiar. I mean, of course, he would see her at work, but there was something else. Ah, she was the woman from that day. The woman that prevented Carter from hitting Marley. She was with us at the restaurant too, if I remember correctly. Though, I didn't pay much attention to his friends that night.

Alexander walked towards the train station, where he would get a ride back home. That was his usual routine. Wake up, shower, get dressed, walk to the train, get to work, start tasks, eat, finish tasks, train home, repeat. Just an average man's life.

The cold air hit his face as he strolled. The sunset was beautiful. Pinks, oranges, and purples.  Alexander looked up as he walked, gazing upon the sky. He looked around, seeing couples—families. The dark-haired man sighed, glancing over to the park. Two people sitting at a table together. He looked again, noticing this wasn't some random stranger he envied. It was Marley enjoying the presence of another human being.

He stared for about a minute before realising what he was doing. He turned his head, slowly continuing his walk. "XANDER!" a familiar voice called.

Alexander turned, seeing Marley's hand waving in the air. He got up from the table, running towards the other male. The dark-haired man slid his hands in his coat pockets, gazing upon Marley as he ran towards him.

Marley huffed and puffed as soon as he reached Alexander. He looked up at Alexander with his eyes coated in a glaze "M-Marley?" he spoke gently.

"God, I thought we'd never talk again," Marley sighed with relief. Alexander averted his gaze to the floor, standing silently. "What are you doing out here anyway?"

"Catching the train home," Alexander replied.

"Oh, I see."

Alexander looked at his watch, furrowing his eyebrows. "I need to go. My train will be here soon."

"Do you want to grab some dinner? I can drive you home afterwards."

"Not necessary," Alexander coldly spoke.

Marley sighed, a weak smirk forming on his lips. "So, I mean nothing to you now?"

"Huh?" Alexander's eyes widened.

"You've been avoiding me, Xander. You're acting as if you've never seen me in your life."

Alexander sighed with a hint of annoyance in it. "I have other things to do, Marley. I can't revolve my life around you."

Marley laughed at Alexander's stupidity. "Yeah. Sorry I enjoyed being your friend. Sorry that I thought I could care about you," Marley walked away. His left hand made into a tight fist.

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