Chapter 13

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"When's your birthday?"

"Oh, March twenty-fifth."

A few weeks had passed since Alexander's birthday. Evander and Bonnie were no longer staying at Marley's place, but they kept in touch. It was then March. March the eighteenth.  Marley's birthday was drawing nearer by the second.

Alexander wanted to give him something special. He wanted to give him the best birthday possible, though he had no idea how.

"What's this?" 

Marley handed him an unexpected present a day or two after Alexander's birthday. They stood in the staff room in the office, making tea. "Open it," Marley smiled. "It's a late birthday present."

"But you already bought me a cake?"

"That wasn't a present, Xander," he laughed. "Every birthday needs a cake."

Alexander smiled, opening the gift slowly. His mouth parted with a smile shortly following it. It was a framed photograph of Marley, Alexander and Shai at the aquarium. 

"Sorry, it's not much," Marley began. "I wanted to buy you something, but I had no idea-"

"It's great, Marley. I love it," he smiled.

There was one small problem—well, rather a big issue. In order to give Marley the best birthday possible, he would need four special people to attend. But unfortunately, it wouldn't be as simple as a little sorry to convince them to come. No. It would be much more work. 

So, Alexander did exactly that. Whenever he saw them around in the office, he would talk with them, hoping they'd help him. But people's minds don't always change just like that. 

One day, Alexander asked Carter to apologise to Marley, he had a look in his eye that didn't look hopeful. Alexander was surprised Carter's fist didn't hurl into him that day, considering he hates him. 

Each day he tried his absolute hardest to talk to Marley's friends, but it seemed impossible to persuade them. "It's his birthday! Do you know how upset he'd be if you weren't there for his party? You've known him for years. This is ridiculous." 

Alexander would repeat something along those lines everyday to the three, since Amara was the only reasonable one.

There was no chance Alexander could give Marley a spectacular birthday. He's had no experience with events such as those. Who would help me with this? I shouldn't bother Bonnie or Evander. But who else could...

He looked around the office, searching for his answer. He found it—her. "Sorry for bothering you."

They sat outside the office after work. Marley invited Alexander to his house, but he had to settle something. Something he should have fixed weeks ago. "You're fine. So, is this about Marley?"

Amara looked at Marley's friend, waiting for his response. "His birthday is soon, and I wanted to do something special for it. Like a party of some sort, but I first need help with something else."

"What would that be?" 

"To help Marley get his friends back."

Amara smiled, looking to the ground. "I'd like that too. But I've tried my hardest, and they won't talk to him."

"I'll talk to them. Are they here?" 

"Carter and April are."

Alexander walked back into the building, searching for the two. They were packing up their things as they talked. "Hey!"

"What?" Carter replied.

"Can we talk for a minute?"

"Go away-"

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