Chapter 12

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Marley and Alexander sat on the hill for almost an hour. The sky was pitch-black, with the only light coming from the candle. Alexander's heart raced when he set his eyes on his friend. His warm embrace enlightened the dark-haired man. He didn't view Marley as someone he worked with and occasionally hung out with after work. There was something more than that—something Alexander wasn't ready to accept.

"Shit," Marley muttered, staring at his phone.

"What's wrong?"

"I forgot to ring Evander. They'll be stuck at the karaoke booth." Marley rang his older brother, waiting impatiently for him to pick up. "Evander! Sorry, I forgot to call."

"It's alright. Are you okay? Have you found Alexander?"

"Yeah, he's with me. I'll pick you guys up, sorry."

"We took an uber back, don't worry. Shai is fine if you were thinking of asking that."

Marley sighed with relief, and he smiled. "Good. See you soon." Alexander's lips parted ever so slightly. He furrowed his eyebrows before opening his mouth to say something. Marley pressed his index finger to Alexander's lips before a word slipped out. He chuckled slightly as he looked at the dark-haired man. "Don't say a word."

Alexander pulled Marley's hand off him, smirking at what his friend said. "What do you mean by 'don't say a word.'"

Marley pulled Alexander's right cheek, smiling. "I know you well enough to know when you're going to apologise for something that isn't your fault." He took the hand off his friend and stood up, taking a good stretch. "We should head back now."

Alexander's face flushed from Marley's touch. There was a spark. A large enough spark to be aware of the unmistakable feelings that Alexander held. His stomach fluttered when Marley touched him. Even the sight of his friend was enough to send his gut in spirals. But the fluttering butterflies came with a new emotion. Something he had never felt with his past romantic interests. Guilt filled every inch of his body. 

"Xander?" Marley asked gently. "You don't look so good." He took his hand, placing it on Alexander's forehead. "Your temperature is normal."

No. Alexander removed Marley's hand and stood up. "Yeah, let's go." He blew the candle out, leaving it beside Elias. It was almost impossible to see as they walked down the hill, but he managed to see Marley's figure. I can't like him.

Marley rummaged in his pockets for his car keys. Eventually, the car unlocked, and the two took their seats. That night confirmed Alexander's feelings. Whether he accepted it or not, it was set in stone. He stared out of the window as his head overfilled with worries. He's my friend—my only friend, my best friend.

They pulled into the driveway, and Marley unlocked the front door. Evander and Bonnie sat on the couch in the living room. Their heads twisted as soon as they heard the doorknob turn. "Hey, we're back," Marley smiled.

"Hey, guys," Evander replied, turning his head towards the telly.

Marley and Alexander took off their coats, hanging them on the rack. "Are you hungry?"

"It's fine. I'll have something at home-"

"I asked if you're hungry," Marley laughed.

"A bit," Alexander smiled softly.

"What do you feel like?"

"Anything's-" Marley's left eyebrow rose. Alexander sighed, smiling ever so slightly. "Italian."

"Italian it is. I'll order us a selection. Is that okay?"

"Yeah," Alexander managed to say. Marley's eye contact drove him insane.

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