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Have you ever heard a bad rumor about your friend? Family? Or even someone close to you? It is so bad that everyone in the room knows it, if so, did you believe such rumors? Well, how about rumors that does not involve the ones close to you but rumors of a person you know by name but not personally. Did you believe rumors about them?

You see, we sometimes doubt the rumors about the people closest to us because those rumors does not justify anything that we know about them. That those rumors becomes nothing but a ridiculous thing because we know the person more than they do but why do we believe rumors that concerns other people that we don't know by heart? Can we do the same thing as what we do whenever we hear some rumors about the person close to us? Can we just ignore those rumors?

Why are we believing such words that can be twisted by anybody's tongue? How can you believe a story when you don't even know what plot it will bring you once you finally read it?

In a land far away, where the civilization is still a stranger to modern technology, where magic exists and mythical creature's existence is something that cannot be questioned. The kingdom of Romania filled the entire empire with the flowers that has a purple color, everyone is wearing a flower crown made by a purple flower.

Everyone is busy decorating their houses, the palace is also putting up some decorations for the important event of the year. The castle's windows and doors were opened for the very first time this year, the sound of the trumpets echoed inside the palace as the guards and servants welcomed their rulers. The bell at the capital finally rang, an indication that the ceremony will soon start.

A huge statue of fairy wings painted by purple was displayed on the central plaza, everyone in the kingdom gathered around the statue as they light up their candles. Purple flowers immediately surrounded the statue and everyone spent a moment of silence before they cheered altogether.

"JUSTICE FOR PRINCESS AMETHYST!!" The crowd shouted altogether. Looking from their castle, the king and queen of Romania looked at their people as they mourn for the 18th anniversary of the disappearance of Princess Amethyst.

"She was stolen from us by the scarlet dragon," the queen weep in her husband's arms, "I didn't even got the chance to hold her."

"We will find her soon, my dear. I am sure that we will." The king's tears rolled down his cheeks, "I know we will find our purple haired princess."

No one actually know that the princess has a purple hair, since nobody in the kingdom knew what she look like. Only the midwife who was with the queen during labor but sadly, before the midwife could even give Amethyst to her mother, she was killed and Amethyst was stolen and was never found again.

The night when she was born, the scarlet dragon attacked the kingdom of Romania. Destroying its buildings and land, letting its fiery anger and hatred swallowed the kingdom of Romania before they stole the gem of the king and queen and to Romania itself.

The scarlet dragon and Amethyst was never found again.

"And the dragon was killed by the prince in order to rescue the helpless princess that's been locked up in the castle ever since she was young. Her heart leaps by the sight of the prince, her knight and shining armor. After the prince rescued the princess, they went back to the kingdom and got married." My expression immediately turned sour upon reading the same fairytale that's been stuck on my book shelf for some time now, I closed the book before I threw it on the wall. "What bullshit is that?"

I heard a few step coming into my room before the door bust wide open, Flame sighed when she saw the book on the floor. She used her fire magic to pick up the book from the floor without even burning the book. That's really awesome.

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