Chapter 4 - My Daring Journey

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10th of April 1940 

58°46'52.8"N 4°22'12.3"E

The sound of your ships alarm is the only thing you can hear echoing above the sounds of men screaming with artillery and cannon explosions alike rattling your ship. Above all these sounds you can hear someone calling your name...




But you pay it no mind as you stand helplessly watching as the port side of your ship catches ablaze and is consumed by a wall of fire and smoke as explosion and gunfire can be heard all around.

The voice yelling your name finally reaches you as you regain your senses


You look over to see Ben frantically asking for your orders as the ship continues to burn as the battle rages on around you.

You look back out the window onto you're ship's deck and see the monstrous fire consuming more and more of the port of you're ship. Watching as your crew try desperately to quell the inferno while shells plaster the water everywhere you look.

Finally you tell Ben "Evacuate the ship now"

"But sir our crew" Ben asked worriedly

"We will get as many off as possible," "Our men will return home as promised" You respond back in a serious tone

You tell Ben to gather everyone to the life boats as you shout on the intercom "Abandon Königsberg, abandon ship or abandon hope"

Ben's Apartment

You are startled awake by what you think are the sounds of flack guns firing only for you to quickly realize it is only the alarm clock you had set the night before. But seeing as you had nearly fallen off of Ben's couch you quickly prepare for the day and start heading towards the HQ for your debriefing but making sure to wash your face and eyes before leaving. By the time you reach the concrete fortress that was the HQ you waste no time getting to the old office looking room where you were terrified the day before. 

You sit quietly in the room waiting for the second in command next to the admiral to come in. You are starting to get comfortable in you're seat as a man in a highly decorated uniform comes in and introduces himself.

"Good morning, I am Krüger," "And you are the new commander" Kruger asks in a humble tone

"Ah, good morning I am Fin" You say

"Good with this out of the way lets get to what you most want to know, shall we" Krüger says moving towards the large table with a couple of papers and what seems like a map of sorts under his arm.

All you have to say in response is "of course" even though you have many questions and there is a lot you want to know.

Krüger immediately starts explaining a lot to you "So first and for most you will be heading out for Helgoland fists thing tomorrow morning, as that is where the Iron Blood base has been constructed"

He then lays out a map of the base and explains to you what is there and everything about the base all the way down to how fast the winds come in through the harbor in the morning hours of the day.

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Krüger explains to you how there is a massive dock and repair dry docks in the southern harbor and a very small town run by the ship girls above the docks. apparently the eastern most island has nothing on it as of now but could be expanded to if the situation shall arise.

After listing to all Krüger had to tell you, you ask the question that has been pestering your mind since you left yesterdays selection.

"Krüger, do you know anything about the shipgirls or at least why the admiral was acting the way he was" you ask

"Well I don't know much but I have tried to ask the Admiral about them many times since he has quit and returned to HQ," he says before continuing 

"They seem to act out when in combat and don't like taking orders. They also are very violent as the wounds on the Admiral show but what stuck out to me the most was one of the few things I got out of the Admiral which in his words were "They don't see themselves as humans and carry a heavy aura around them" Which I don't fully understand but in any case the shipgirls seem to be very dangerous and need to be controlled" Krüger finished

"I kinda understand why he was broken now" you say

"yeaaaa..." Küger says soflty  "So I will leave it so you to fix them. There are many reasons why we selected you, but the fact your comrade in arms personally elected you shows how capable you were back then and still are to this day. I have faith in you Fin" Küger says holding your shoulder giving you a look of faith that somewhat shows you that he truly believes you can do it

"I will do my best Krüger" you say loudly in response

Krüger then walks towards the door and then just before he leaves he turns back around and looks you in the eyes

"I know you will, the whole world and our great nation rests partly on your shoulders Fin and by the way Ben will become your second in command and will be stationed here at the HQ" he says

You simply stand up straight, give him a nod then a firm salute right before he exits the room and then as he leaves the room becomes dead quiet and inactive once more

"no pressure" you think to yourself as you loosen your posture before taking the maps and documents off the table and then making your way back to Ben's apartment.

Once back at Ben's apartment you tell Ben a small bit as to what transpired between you and Krüger and then make your way into the heart of Hamburg where you buy clothes and other necessities you will need while at the Iron Blood base. As tomorrow you will head to the HQ to get your new dark blue commanders naval uniform and cap along with other military documents and then you will be shipped out to the Base at first light.

After your shopping which can only be described as a wild time with Ben, you head back to his apartment where you relax just like the old days.

That night you have another dream and unlike usual it isn't about death or war but instead one of love. A love of which you have not felt or met. It is of a mysterious blond haired woman who seemingly understands all of your pains and sorrows and whom cares for you deeply.

The next day you awake to yet another day but today was different, unlike usual you didn't have any rings under your eyes or any puffed up eyes for that matter. You ignore this detail and head to the HQ where you collect your items and then head to the harbor where their is a cargo ship awaiting to take you to Helgoland island. 

You cant help but feel this will be one daring journey

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