Chapter 2 - My Extensive Training

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Aboard a train 100 kilometers away from Hamburg

You slowly open your swollen eyes and rub them as it feels as though you've been crying. You then look around to the other seats expecting to see people but it is eerily empty. There are but a few people sitting afar from one another. You look to Ben who is gazing out the train window at the rolling green plains of the country side.

"How far are we from Hamburg" you ask Ben as you turn to look out the window

"Ah, good morning sleepy head," he said turning towards me "we should be stopping in Bremen shortly" he said

You turned to look at him with a pout "Mhm," "So how are we going to get to HQ when we get to Hamburg" you ask

"I arranged for Laura (pronounced Lau-da) to pick us up and take us to where we need to go" he explained

"Laura...Laura...," you say to yourself pondering who that was.

"Yeah she-" you cut Ben off

"Ah," you say loudly "Laura was the head manager at the naval supply house," you say as you look to Ben. Then a thought hit you "That is the girl you had a crush on when we were in service, she was the lady with long white hair who was kind of tall" you say eagerly while leaning towards him in your chair. 

(all 3 characters are near their early 30's)

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(all 3 characters are near their early 30's)

"Y-yeah so" he says staring you down

"I see," "So you were with her a lot while in the reserve and so now you're using me to get close to her" you say while looking back out the window, making fun of him

"You know that isn't true," Ben snapped back "I was just following orders to deliver the message to you and I believe that should, NO that YOU need to be Iron Blood's commander," he says as the train starts to slow down into the station in Bremen "I want to help you earn money while also giving our nations fighting force the best commander I know" Ben proclaimed

The few people on the train began to look in our direction as our chat was getting louder and louder

"I was just joking Ben," you say in a quieter tone "Its just you've always liked her and tried to get me roped into your plans to spend time with her on our time off," you say as you recall how much Ben used to talk about Laura. "I too hope I get this job but I really don't know if I can handle 60 ship girls who are all capable of reducing me to ashes if I do something to piss them off" you said worriedly

"Ok, ok," Ben said "I understand your worries but I don't think they would hate you, I mean I've never talked or met one but I'm sure it will be ok," Ben said "Laura will have the Admiral meet at the HQ so he can better inform you" he continued

You and Ben continued to converse completely missing the fact that the train had already stopped in Bremen with passengers making their way onto and off of the train.

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