Chapter 1 - My Quiet House

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(Please read the story description) - Author
(While it is the late 1940's siren technology has progressed humanities technology 25 to 30 years ahead of our world)

A Rural House outside of Munich Germany - 1948

It was early morning and the light from the rising sun was just peaking through your window above your bed slightly illuminating your cramped bedroom.
You awoke to the slight sound of wind chimes as the mornings breeze swept through the village square.

You slowly sat up in your bed and let out a huge yawn and began to stretch your legs...




"FIIIINNNNNNN" a man yelled

The sound of a fist pounding on your wooden door a room over startled you awake

"Uh...who...who THE HELL IS POUNDING ON MY DOOR" you yelled trying and get your voice to carry through your empty house so the person can hear you

"FIN I NEED TO TALK TO YOU" the voice yelled back

You paused a minute but then remembered the voice and a slight smile began to appear on your face

"Ben," you said to yourself "BEN IS THAT YOU" you yelled back

"YEA ITS BEEN A MINUTE," he paused "MAY I COME IN" Ben asked

You wiggled your way out of your bed to your dresser where you through on some street clothes. Then rushed to your front door almost tripping over your dining room chair

You slightly open your door taking a deep breath in

"Ben" you said as you open the door completely

You see a nicely dressed man in a dark blue naval uniform and cap. Ben was standing tall but was clearly exited to see you

"Good morning Fin" Ben beamed

"Good morning Ben," you say as you examen his uniform "Still as tall as ever" you say as you stare at his cap which is boosting him to your height

"Hey, hey, hey I didn't come here to get mocked" Ben said annoyed

"Well I wasn't expecting visitors to pound on my door at 8 in the morning" you said trying to get a reaction out of him

"Great to see you to buddy," he said "Well can I come in, I have something important to discuss with you" Ben explained

While letting out a yawn you ask "What can be so important at this hour," finishing your yawn "If you wanted to reunite with an old war mate you could have called me" you said

Ben started to whisper to me even though pretty much no one was around or even up from bed for that matter "Its classified orders to specific Captains and Junior Captains" Ben quietly said

Confused as to what this could possibly be about and eager to talk with your Junior Captain again you invite him in

"Please sit," you say walking towards your kitchen table "I'll make us some coffee" you say

"Thanks Fin" Ben said as he sits down in a nice wooden chair

"So what is this all about" you say as you begin to make coffee

"Well since I stayed in Hamburg near the HQ after we were put on leave in 1946, naval command gave me these papers yesterday and told me to deliver them to you," he said as he pulled out a neatly folded paper from his pocket "I was told that the contents are for qualified captains and junior captains only" he explained

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