Chapter 6 - My Commanding Room

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Helgoland Island,
Iron Blood Naval Base

You follow closely behind the two menacing and yet beautiful women, now entering the small quiet town that Krüger had spoke of

Even though you can see plenty of shipgirls just now opening their shops. The town is dead quiet. The only sound you can hear besides the wind and sea are the strides of Bismarck's and Tirpitz's boots on the stone path

You can't help but feel like everyone was watching you. They had their eyes on you and you alone

Your mind began to wonder while mindlessly walking behind the two mighty flag ships in front of you
(they are both your height by the way)

"You know, I heard that most commanders are female" Tirpitz said out of the blue making you adjust your focus forward to the long capes and hats Infront of you

"Why would that be" you ask back hesitantly

"I think you know the answer yourself Kommandant" She replied in a harsher tone

You pause for a second "I understand having a male around a bunch of women is not ideal but proper individuals should know their boundaries" you say completely going against your own mind which was screaming at you not to answer back the whole time

"Kommandant, perhaps I did not make myself clear" she yelled back after stopping dead in her tracks causing you to almost bump into her

Bismarck then also stopped walking and turned around to speak for her sister. "Kommandant, I believe she was trying to say no one here trusts you" she said as the now late morning wind wiped through the stone street picking up sand and dust, as the summer sun now began to peak through the clouds and burn once more

Looking at Bismarck's eyes staring you down, and the back of Tirpitz's head, you thought for a moment and then spoke. "I don't really think that's fair to sa-"

"Weren't we going to your office Kommandant. We also need the manjuus to drop off your things. So we must continue" Tirpitz said as she continued onward

"What the hell is a manjuu" you thought to yourself whilst following the Bismarck class through the quiet unnatural town, up the hills and finally to the entrance to the main building sitting on the highest point of the island

Once inside the main building you follow the pair through an extravagant and yet German feeling building all the way to the 4th floor (top floor)  where you come upon 2 massive dark oak doors at the corner of a hallway

Pushing open both doors Tirpitz and Bismarck show you your office that also has your sleeping courters attached. The room was fairly big and reminded you of an old Victorian era office. It had a big wood desk and chair along with many cabinets and bookshelves along with a tea table and accompanying Victorian couches. The room also had 2 other features that made it stand out. There was a fireplace next to the table and couches and 2 massive windows that gave you a view of not only the port with its many war vessels docked inside far down the hill but also the whole town and quit a lot of the island. The room was quite dark color wise but the windows made the room exceptionably bright

Bismarck then goes into the room and walks to another door and explains that this is where you will stay but as she got up to the door another shipgirl came running down the hall screaming, yelling out for the Bismarck class

The young girl with blonde hair and violet eyes stands before the 3 of you who are now standing in the doorway very confused like


And with those few words you instantly started contemplating what to do but Bismarck and Tirpitz started yelling out orders and ran down the hall with the other ship girl leaving you all alone standing in the doorway with your arm raised ready to give your commands.

Standing their speechless you retreat into your office and ponder. It is clear that the shipgirls will not trust a man and they don't seem to acknowledge you as their commander either

After a minute you just decide to go outside and relax

You make your way out of the building, following the path you had taken in and then head to a lone tree near the edge of a cliff that you had scene while inside your office. You sit underneath the shade of the tree and look down at the ocean. You think. You Breath. And you relax... Or at least try to as the blistering summer sun was not the most pleasant even in the shade. You then take note of your surroundings as from this point you can see the whole town, the command buildings and way down below the town you can once again see all of the ships in the massive port.

Now that you are just relaxing since your job was stolen from you, you take a serious look at all the ships in the dock and denote their features trying to guess which ships they were. Some where harder than others, and some you couldn't get at all since you were sure you had never seen them before. But that's when you saw 3 ships that all looked alike sitting at the far end of the dock partly obscured by a few destroyers. Your heart sank and you immediately got up and ran miles all the way down through the town and hills to the port and stood before the 3 ships.

Now it was definite to you. The 3 ships were none other than the Königsberg class.

Floating right in front of you was the ship you had served on and commanded all the way till you yourself laid it to rest.

You stand there on the dock motionlessness looking at the light cruiser in front of you. You take off your cap and walk up to the boat putting your hand on the rusting metal of the hull.

There were so many thoughts and emotions going through your head that all that was expressed was the emotion of nothing itself. They all cultivated into soft tears and a silent gaze at the metal beast

"Who might you be" a voice asked









Map of Helgoland Island, Iron Blood's Naval Base

(I will prob keep updating this map and add more things)

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

(I will prob keep updating this map and add more things)

I Think it should just be expected for these chapters to take a while. (sorry)

But thanks for reading!!! More coming very soon and I hope you all the best!

Cheers <3

My Darling RoonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ