Vol 1. Chp 1: The Bus Ride

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I started thinking about the future as I was riding the bus to my new school. Advanced nurturing high school is a school established by the Japanese government and 100% employment and college entry rate. But that wasn't the reason why I applied for this school. I decided to go this school because of its policy that stated contact with outsiders is forbidden.

My thoughts got interrupted by a woman scolding a young, well-built blond man. The blond man was sitting on one of the priority seats. He wore the same uniform that I was wearing and exuded an aura of superiority. He was staring at his reflection in a hand mirror.

"Excuse me, but shouldn't you offer up your seat?", the middle-aged woman said. The bus was packed and an unfortunate elderly woman was standing while the blond student was sitting on a priority seat. The blond student ignored her at first but the middle-aged woman quickly got angry. "Hey, you there. Can't you see that this elderly woman is having trouble?" the woman said. Many people now started staring at the blond student but he wasn't affected by the attention he was getting.

"That's a really crazy question, lady," the boy said. "Why should I offer up my seat? There's no reason for me to do so." The woman was surprised and didn't think he would reply confidently. Contrary to his expectations, he wasn't even ashamed.

"Wh-what kind of attitude is that to take with your superiors?" she demanded. "Superiors? Well, it's obvious that both you and the old woman there been alive longer than I have. There can be no doubt about that. However, the word 'superior' implies that you're referring to someone of a higher position. In addition, we have another problem. Even though our ages are different, wouldn't you agree that you have an impertinent attitude and are being extremely rude?"

Wow, he just started calling her rude out of nowhere. The woman was now pissed and started demanding that the boy give the seat to the elderly woman. But the elderly woman wanted the commotion to stop and told the woman that she could stand. Finally! I was starting to get irritated by the commotion.

"Um... I think that the lady is right.", a girl wearing my high school's uniform, gave her brave and frank opinion to the boy. Oh god! I couldn't even enjoy my first bus ride in peace. "This poor woman appears to have been suffering for quite some time now. Won't you offer up your seat? While you might consider such courtesy unnecessary, I think it would contribute greatly to society."

Crack! The boy snapped his fingers. "A contribution to society, you say? Well, that is a rather interesting opinion. It's certainly true that offering up one's seat to the elderly could be viewed in such a positive light. Unfortunately, I have no interest in contributing to society. I care only for my own satisfaction. Oh, and one more thing. You're asking me, the one in the priority seat, to give up his spot, but couldn't you simply ask one of the other people seated on this crowded bus? If you truly cared for the elderly, then something like priority seating would be a rather trivial concern, wouldn't you agree?"

Tired of this commotion I raised my hand and offered my seat. "here, you can take my seat". The elderly woman expressed her gratitude and took my offer. The young girl came up to me and introduced herself. "hi, I'm kushida kikyou. I wanted to thank you for giving you seat to the elderly lady". I didn't do it out of kindness but she didn't need to know that.

"hey, I'm ayanokouji kiyotaka, nice to meet you.". the moment I said my name the blond student turned his head towards me with a look of surprise. From his eyes, it looked like he recognized me. I was confident that I had never met this man in my entire life.

"it looks like we're going to the same school." Kushida's voice reached my ears. "I'm in class D, what class are you in?" kushida asked me. "I'm also in class D" I replied. "oh! what a coincidence"

After a while the bus reached ANHS, and kushida and I went to our class together. The first thing that I noticed when I entered class 1-D, were the cameras that were obviously trying to stay hidden. Kushida didn't seem to notice this.

"well ayanokouji, I'll talk to some of my classmates. I'll meet you later" saying this kushida went to meet some of the students that were already in the classroom. I walked toward the seat that bore my nameplate. It was at the back of the room, near the window. I sat down on my seat and wondered why the school would install hidden cameras in the class.

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