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Warning: smut

(You can skip the next two chapters and read at 129 further if you don't like smut ♡)

PoV. Jimin

"You didn't really have to upload that photo." I mutter as I read the comments from Yoongi's last post. "Why? I think it's too good to be kept hidden." He grins and lies down close to me while resting his head on his hand.

"It's good yes, but now they're thinking something else. You've already read Jin's comment. But I really wonder what Hoseok meant." I say and look at him. "Did he tell you about a gift?" I ask and yoongi seems to be thinking as his eyebrows draw together slightly and a crease forms between them.

"I think so. He said he hid something in my suitcase." He answers quietly and stands up before going to his suitcase and opening it. Briefly he rummages around in his clothes, when he suddenly pulls out a small, square package. "I can't believe this" Yoongi starts laughing and comes back to me as I look at him confused. "Why are you laughing?", "He packed condoms. Was he smarter than us?"

I look at Yoongi with wide eyes and my heart beats a little faster when he puts the small package on the bed in front of me. "Why are you putting it there?" I ask and he sits down next to me as he looks at my body and all of a sudden something flashes in his eyes that I can't really interpret.

Is it lust? Desire? Love? Or all at once?


"Jiminah...you are really beautiful and breathtaking ...have I told you that before?" He murmurs and slides even closer to me. His deep voice sends a warm shiver down my spine and I shake my head slightly as I look up at his lips for a second. "Yes...you did.."

"Hm...all right then" he whispers and places his hand on my cheek before moving his head closer to me. His gaze is fixed on my lips and I can feel my heart beat getting faster as Yoongi stops just few inches away from my lips. His hot breath hits them and goosebumps form on my body as this closeness just arise so many different feelings in me.

Lust. Love. Desire. Nervousness.

I don't know why I feel nervous. We kissed many times before and it's not like I'm not used to it. I love to kiss his soft lips and the tickling feeling in my tummy. But now I'm nervous and I don't like that.

Slowly he attaches his lips on mine and I close my eyes to feel this emotion better.

Excitedly, I spread my legs a little so that Yoongi can make himself comfortable between them and feel more and more how the room warms up.

Or it's just our bodies getting warmer and warmer.

"You have no idea...how much I've missed you...all these years...your beautiful laugh. Your bright eyes. Your sweet face. I couldn't stop thinking about you" Yoongi breathes into the kiss as one of his hands moves under my shirt, his fingertips stroking over my heated skin, getting closer and closer to my chest where my heart seems to be running a marathon. It beats so fast, as if there were no tomorrow and the blood must now be distributed everywhere.

Oh dear heart. Please calm down before I break down here.

"I missed you too, Yoongi. So much. You have no idea how much it broke my heart when we broke apart. Yet my heart cried out for your name every night. Longing for your love and closeness, which we never received. And now here we lie...united and as close as we've ever been before." I reply a little nervously and yet my voice is soaked with love, which grows more and more with every minute, with every second.

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